

活動非常適合初學者,向年輕冒險家介紹 D&D 基礎:角色扮演、講故事和協作解決問題。在享受史詩般的任務的同時,培養創造力、團隊合作精神和批判性思維!
Bloom Academy


1 現場會議
每週上課 1 小時 30 分鐘 小時
每週 1 小時. This class has no outside work required other than what you want to prepare for the upcoming campaign each week.


英語程度 - 未知
Beginner - Intermediate 等級
Welcome to 'Realms of Wonder!' A beginner-friendly Dungeons & Dragons campaign designed to introduce newcomers to the magical realm of tabletop roleplaying games. 

In this ongoing weekly adventure, participants will create their own unique characters and join forces with fellow adventurers to explore fantastic worlds, solve puzzles, and overcome challenges.

As your Game Master, I'll be guiding you through the fundamentals of D&D, including character creation, basic rules, and gameplay mechanics. As the campaign progresses, participants will learn to work together, make decisions as a team, and use their imaginations to navigate through exciting quests and encounters.

This class offers a perfect blend of storytelling, strategy, and creativity. Players will develop their improvisation skills, learn to think on their feet, and discover the enjoyment of collaborative storytelling. They'll face monsters, uncover hidden treasures, and forge lasting friendships both in and out of the game.

While the specific plot remains mysterious to preserve the excitement, here's a glimpse of our journey:

- Week 1: Introductions, character showcases, and the initial quest hook. Players will have a chance to share what quests and themes they are excited for, and the world 
- Week 2: The group chooses their first major direction, shaping the adventure's path
- Weeks 3+: Continuous exploration, with storylines evolving based on your decisions
- Every ~4 weeks: Face significant challenges that push your abilities and unravel the overarching plot

"Realms of Wonder" is designed to be accessible for newcomers while offering enough depth to keep experienced players engaged. Each session builds upon the last, creating an evolving narrative that players help shape with their choices and actions.

New players can join at any time, as I will ensure you're seamlessly integrated into the ongoing story.

Parents can expect their children to come away from each session with increased confidence, improved problem-solving skills, and a sense of accomplishment. "Realms of Wonder" isn't just a game – it's a journey of personal growth and imagination that will inspire creativity long after the dice stop rolling.
• Develop collaborative problem-solving and teamwork skills
• Enhance creativity and improvisation abilities through storytelling and roleplaying


Optional: The Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Player's handbook. A set of TTRPG dice set consisting of a d20, d12, d10, d8, d6, d4.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 March, 2021
碩士 在 物理 從 York University
Mr. Romeo
碩士 在 生物學/生物科學 從 University of Calgary
Vicki Tran
學士學位 在 音樂 從 University of Western Ontario
Diana Alecu
學士學位 在 音樂 從 Berklee College of Music
Nicole Demers
學士學位 在 生物學/生物科學 從 York University
Mr. Romeo
副學士學位 在 音樂 從 The Royal Conservatory of Music Canada
Diana Alecu
Hi everyone! I'm Mr. Paj, and I'm thrilled to be your Game Master for our exciting D&D adventures! 

My journey with roleplaying games began when I was just 13 years old, and it's been an incredible ride ever since. That early passion for D&D has shaped my entire career, leading me to become a Video Game and Level Designer working on both blockbuster AAA titles and indie games.

You might have heard of some of the games I've worked on - titles like Thief, Lara Croft, and the Watchdogs series, as well as indie games like Rat Story and TSB. What you might not realize is how much my experience with D&D has influenced my work in the video game industry. The storytelling, world-building, and creative problem-solving skills I developed through roleplaying games have been invaluable in my professional life.

As a video game level designer, I've found that the skills I honed as a Game Master translate directly into creating engaging, immersive video game environments. The ability to craft a compelling narrative, design challenging yet fun encounters, and create a world that feels alive and responsive to player actions - these are all skills I first developed running D&D campaigns.

In our sessions together, we'll be using tools like D&D Beyond or Roll20, which are great for sharing maps and keeping track of game mechanics. But don't worry if you're new to these platforms - they're designed to be user-friendly, and I'll be here to guide you every step of the way. 

I love creating unique campaigns that challenge players and spark their imagination. We might follow a classic adventure structure - perhaps inspired by Tolkien's Lord of the Rings or the Dragonlance saga - where you'll face a great evil, uncover its motivations, and work together to save the world. Or we might dive into shorter, more focused campaigns that allow us to explore different storytelling styles and game mechanics.

My approach to running games is all about engagement and enthusiasm. I'll create a high-fantasy atmosphere with vivid descriptions and maybe even some background music to set the mood. Each of you will have plenty of opportunities to make decisions, roleplay your characters, and shine in your own unique way. I believe in maintaining a kind and inclusive table where everyone gets equal attention and feels valued.

But beyond the fun and excitement of our game sessions, I want you to know that D&D can have a real, positive impact on your lives. It encourages reading, builds social skills, enhances communication abilities, and fosters creative thinking. These are all skills that have served me well in my career, and I'm excited to help nurture them in you.

So, whether you're a seasoned player or this is your first time rolling a d20, I'm here to guide you through the fantastic realms of D&D. Together, we'll create stories of bravery, friendship, and magic that you'll remember long after the dice stop rolling. Are you ready to begin our adventure?




每週 1 次
90 分鐘

年齡: 8-13
3-6 每班學員人數

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