
Python 程式設計 |中級| 07 週彈性 |使用 Flask 進行 Web 開發

Sidney - KidsSpeakCode
在這個為期 7 週的彈性課程中,我們將使用 Python 的 Flask 微框架來探索 Web 開發的神奇世界,學習 HTML、建立網頁、聊天應用程式等等! #builder


7 lessons//7 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Introduction to HTML
Learn the basics of HTML, including tags, images, and links. This module also introduces image maps, tables, and colors to build a simple multi-page website.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Advanced HTML with CSS and JavaScript
Explore CSS for styling, learn about JavaScript for interactive effects, and understand how to create animations, quizzes, and interactive features in a website.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Getting Started with Flask and Jinja
Introduction to Flask, a micro web framework, and Jinja, a templating language, to integrate Python with the web. Learn how to create dynamic web pages that use Python-generated variables.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Working with Forms and Requests
Learn how to create forms in HTML and process them with Flask. Discover how to use user input to generate dynamic content, create interactive pages, and build simple chat applications.
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Building a Chat Program
Develop a basic chat application using Flask and Python. Understand how to manage user input, display messages, and implement JSON solutions to store chats and usernames.
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Sending Email with Python
Learn how to send emails from Python and integrate it with Flask. Explore email security, server configuration, and understand how to set up a secure method for sending emails through Python.
 Week 7
Lesson 7
Final Project - Building a Web Application with Flask
Use everything learned in previous modules to create a Flask-based web application. This project involves connecting to an API, downloading icons, and building a simple website that uses a Python backend. Also, learn about error handling and how to expand the final project to create a more robust web application.
In the course, students will learn practical HTML, Flask and Jinja, and will learn how to build their own Python powered Flask micro framework web page. The course focuses on building real examples that students can use to build their own projects with.
I love teaching programming using fun and interesting examples because it helps students go farther than learning hard to contextualize concepts. Understanding what we are doing and why means that students will be able to apply algebraic concepts (like x+y) having understood examples like (red bike + blue bike) in a way that has context and meaning. 
Each module of the course will involve working through the slides, video, and code examples provided with the module, and uploading homework for each module. The modules build on each other, so it is important to complete each module before working on the next. Homework should take approximately one to two hours per week, in addition to the one to two hours required to work through each module. This may take longer depending on the complexity of the module, and the code that the student is interested in working on. There will be a homework assignment provided for each module of the course, students can work on their own version of the topics that are being covered using the sample provided code or come up with their own unique idea. The goal is to spend time programming each week and incrementally build their coding skills.
1 - 2 每週課外時間
All submissions to the classroom or the teacher section for weekly submissions will be reviewed and feedback will be provided. Feedback is generally given either as an informal assessment, or with a video, of course, if students run into problems with their code, they are more than welcome to send in any issues, which will be promptly addressed.
We will be using Repl.it for the majority of the module, some modules may require the student to use Python locally (for example, some elements like opening the web browser can only be done locally), directions and detailed instructions will be provided.
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7 預錄課程
7 老師回饋週
1 年內容存取權

由 16 學習者完成
Ages: 13-18

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