

在這個 14 堂課的粒子物理與科學研究探索課程中,我們每週都會討論物理和科學領域的令人興奮的主題! (在家上學/課後)
Quantum Physics for Kids


14 現場會議
11 小時 40 分鐘 上課時間
每週 1 小時. Additional optional homework activities will be provided after each class session.
Students may request a Certificate of Completion from the instructor at the end of the course.


英語程度 - 未知
美國 3 - 6 年級
In this 14-session semester course , we'll explore a wide variety of topics in particle physics and science research! Topics to be investigated include:
1. New developments in particle physics and astrophysics 
2. News about science research and innovative science-based businesses
3. Citizen science projects
4. Award-winning and historically significant physics/science researchers and their work

Each class session will have a specified curriculum, plus there will be time for student discussion and sharing of student interests. This course aims to support a community of young learners excited to discuss and explore physics & science concepts!

Course topics explore areas such as the Higgs Boson, Graviton, String Theory, Black Holes, Wormholes and many other subjects, as listed below:

Session 1 
- The new James Webb Space Telescope
- Mission to Uranus and Neptune to find Dark Matter?

Session 2
- New developments in understanding the Higgs particle 
- College students develop a new way to recycle PVC

Session 3 
- Transparent Solar Cell technology - Ubiquitous Technology
- Citizen Science Project: Solar Jet Hunter

Session 4 
- Introduction to the Graviton (a proposed but unproven gravity particle) and String Theory
- Exploring Electron Scanning Microscopes

Session 5 
- Review of the 4 fundamental forces of the universe (Gravity, Electromagnetic Force, Strong Force, Weak Force)
- Dwarf Stars: red, yellow, brown and white. 

Session 6 
- Exploring Black Holes: definitions, origins and types
- Time allowing: Research atomic elements of the Periodic Table

Session 7 
- Review of the Electromagnetic Force and modern inventions utilizing it
- Discuss a new Electric Motor design by a 17 year old student inventor

Session 8 
- Exploration of Radioactivity: Alpha Particles, Beta Particles and Gamma Rays
- Discussion about Carbon Dating

Session 9
- Explore spectroscopy and spectrometers
- Learn about the history of the Periodic Table and the use of spectroscopy to identify elements 
- Learn about the uses of spectroscopy in astrophysics (to identify elements on different planets and stars), in science research and in products (like the Apple Watch)

Session 10 
- Citizen Science Project: Galaxy Zoo - help categorize images of distant galaxies
- Webb Telescope images

Session 11 
- Exploring Wormholes, Black Holes and Einstein's General Theory of Relativity

Session 12 
- The Discovery of Graphene, the first 2-dimensional material to be manufactured
- New developments in other 2-dimensional materials

Session 13 
- NASA's DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) Mission
- Near-Earth Objects and how NASA tracks them

Session 14 
- Circular Economy concepts; Linear Economy compared to Circular Economy
- Examples of Circular Economy products and processes; students brainstorm ideas for Circular products
This course provides an opportunity to review physics and science concepts, and expand learning with current topics in physics and science concepts.


遵循 Teacher-Created 課程
14 課程
超過 14 週
課 1:
Session 1: Webb Telescope & Dark Matter Mission
 - The new James Webb Space Telescope
- Mission to Uranus and Neptune to find Dark Matter? 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Session 2: Higgs Boson & Invention
 - New developments in understanding the Higgs particle 
- College students develop a new way to recycle PVC 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Session 3: New Solar Cell Technology & Solar Jet Hunter
 - Transparent Solar Cell technology - Ubiquitous Technology
- Citizen Science Project: Solar Jet Hunter 
50 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Session 4: Graviton & Electron Scanning Microscopes
 - Introduction to the Graviton (a proposed but unproven gravity particle) and String Theory
- Exploring Electron Scanning Microscopes 
50 分鐘線上直播課


學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 June, 2020
This course is taught by Quantum Physics for Kids instructor Prof. Mark Baraket (M.S. Astrophysics), a professional astrophysicist with a commitment to teaching the next generation of scientists. Quantum Physics for Kids is dedicated to introducing young students to the amazing world of quantum physics, invention & science research! We've been offering STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) classes and creating educational materials for students of all ages for over 15 years. We're excited to share this course content with more students through Outschool. 




每週或US$224 用於 14 課程
每週1次,共 14 週
50 分鐘

年齡: 8-13
6-12 每班學員人數

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