
萬智牌 (MTG) 競技場每週小型戰鬥俱樂部 (PC/手機/Mac)

Miss Devyn's Video Game Universe


1 現場會議
1 小時 30 分鐘 每週上課時間


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 4 - 7
Beginner - Advanced 等級
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🍎 Get to know our teachers (copy and paste in your browser): https://bit.ly/VGUMeetTheTeachers

🚀  Class Description: 
Welcome to our Magic The Gathering (MTG) Arena Battle Club! In this weekly club, we provide a safe and exciting online space for teens who are passionate about the Magic The Gathering (MTG) to come together and battle it out in friendly competition.

This club is designed for parents who have learners familiar with the rules and mechanics of the Magic The Gathering (MTG) and are looking for an online environment where their children can engage with other players their age.

🥳 Small Class Sizes:
Our smaller class sizes guarantee quality attention given to each individual! 
Rather than getting lost inside a giant class or being isolated inside a Zoom breakout room, our teachers play along on their screens and get to know every individual, and learners are given a chance to form true bonds of friendship. 

⚡Class Objectives:

Engage in Weekly Battles: Each week, participants will have the chance to battle against their peers in structured matches. These battles will provide an opportunity for players to test their skills, refine their strategies, and showcase their decks.

Learn Strategies: While participants should already have a good understanding of the game mechanics, our club will also provide opportunities to learn and discuss advanced strategies. From deck-building tips to mastering gameplay tactics, students will have the chance to deepen their knowledge of the game.

Foster a Positive Community: Our club emphasizes sportsmanship, respect, and inclusivity. Participants will engage in battles with a focus on friendly competition and mutual respect. Our moderators will ensure that the club remains a welcoming space for all players.

Receive Feedback and Guidance: Our experienced moderators will be on hand to provide feedback, answer questions, and offer guidance to participants. Whether teens are looking to fine-tune their decks or improve their gameplay, our team is here to support their growth as Magic The Gathering (MTG) players.

📝 Class Requirements & Supply List: 
- A Magic The Gathering (MTG) account (Free to download)

By joining the Magic The Gathering (MTG) Arena Battle Club, players will not only have the chance to sharpen their skills and compete against other passionate trading card game enthusiasts but also to forge lasting friendships within a supportive and nurturing community. So grab your deck, sharpen your skills, and get ready for an epic battle!
Our club will also provide opportunities to learn and discuss advanced strategies. From deck-building tips to mastering gameplay tactics, students will have the chance to deepen their knowledge of the game.
Our club emphasizes sportsmanship, respect, and inclusivity. Participants will engage in battles with a focus on friendly competition and mutual respect.


All of our teachers have experience working with students who have unique learning needs. We want and welcome all students in our classroom. Our number one goal is to help all children feel like they have a place with their fellow gamers.
Students will need to download Magic The Gathering Arena prior to class. It is a free download on computer, tablet, or mobile. Students will also need a gamer tag and account that they will share with the teacher in class and will need to share with other students in order to battle together. The teacher will not host any battles outside of class time.
Students who are new to Magic The Gathering Arena are welcome to join!
已加入 January, 2021
俄亥俄州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Miss Kristin
紐澤西州 教學證書 在 音樂/戲劇/藝術
Miss Julie
俄亥俄州 教學證書 在 音樂/戲劇/藝術
Mr. Rizer
學士學位 在 數學 從 University of Calgary
Miss Nancy
學士學位 在 英語 從 Brigham Young University - Idaho
Miss Devyn
學士學位 在 音樂或戲劇或藝術 從 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Miss Julie
學士學位 在 英語 從 Brigham Young University - Idaho
Miss Katie
學士學位 在 教育 從 Miami University
Mr. Rizer
副學士學位 由 Elgin Community College
Ms Lindsey
副學士學位 由 College of Dupage
Ms Lindsey
Miss Devyn’s Video Game Universe is full of teachers from different backgrounds and expertise. We’d love it if you took a moment to get to know your teacher!





每週上課 x 1 次
90 分鐘

年齡: 9-14
2-6 每班學員人數

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