

當您遠離朋友和親人時,舉辦虛擬生日派對,我們將烘烤餅乾並玩生日主題的 Kahoot 遊戲,這是聚在一起慶祝重要日子的好方法!
Hub of Curiosity


1 現場會議
1 小時 30 分鐘 上課時間


*** The time slot listed is a place holder.  Please contact us with the date/time you are seeking to check availability.***

When you're far-flung from friends and loved one, a virtual birthday party is a great way to come together and celebrate the big day!  

This fête for the birthday child will be held virtually over Zoom.  The host of the party can include up to 12 attendees.  Please message me to discuss options if your group will be larger.  

During our time together we will:
-	Get to know one another!  We’ll play a fun game to mix and mingle.  
-	Bake cookie sandwiches together!  This will be a simple, but fun activity with a short ingredient list.  The birthday celebrant can choose the flavor profile too! 
-	Sing Happy Birthday!  What celebration would be complete without?
-	Play a Game!  The hosting parents can coordinate with me to build a trivia Kahoot game about the birthday child.  Each attendee can log in for some fun and to see just how well they know the star of the day.  

Our organized activities will be held during the first hour of our session.  After the first hour, I’ll leave the Zoom meeting open for approximately 30 minutes for the attendees to socialize while quietly supervising.  

Please note that the price is for the entire experience.  This is not the price per attendee.  The date/time are customizable to your needs.  I am located in Texas (Central) for reference.


Participants will be using the oven. Parents should use their own discretion with supervision levels based upon their child's individual skill.
Each attendee should have access to a device to play a Kahoot game during our time together as well! Ingredient and Supply List: - 1 box of chocolate or vanilla cake mix (whichever you prefer!) - 1/3 cup vegetable oil - 1 tsp vanilla extract - 2 eggs - 1 small jar of Nutella - Cookie sheet - Mixing bowl and spoon - Measuring cup and one teaspoon measuring spoon - Optional: Piping bag and tip
 1 註冊後即可取得文件
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
  • Kahoot
已加入 October, 2018
俄亥俄州 教學證書 在 社會研究/歷史
Judith Smetana
北卡羅萊納 教學證書 在 英語/語言藝術
Judith Smetana
加州 教學證書
Maura Knowles
德州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Andrea Phillips
科羅拉多州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Melissa Riggs
肯塔基州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Melissa Riggs
德州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Melissa Riggs
碩士 在 電機工程 從 University of Idaho
Giselle S. Veach
碩士 在 教育 從 University of North Texas
Melissa Riggs
學士學位 在 國際業務 從 The Ohio State University
Judith Smetana
學士學位 在 通訊 從 San Francisco State Universtiy
Maura Knowles
學士學位 在 機械工業 從 University of Idaho
Giselle S. Veach
學士學位 在 電機工程 從 University of Idaho
Giselle S. Veach
學士學位 在 工商管理 從 Nova Southeastern University
Meagan Tauber
學士學位 在 教育 從 University of North Texas
Melissa Riggs
學士學位 在 藝術與設計 從 Arizona State University
McKenzi Aguirre
學士學位 在 英語語言文學 從 University of Alabama at Birmingham
Tiffany Barnes
副學士學位 在 動物科學 從 The Ohio State University
Judith Smetana
Welcome to Hub of Curiosity... where we believe that learning begins with interest!  

We specialize in multi-disciplinary learning that mirrors real-world application and empowering learners to take ownership in class while promoting curiosity and critical thinking.  Our educators are skilled and passionate professionals who tailor their approach to your learner’s needs.  

Our classes are inclusive and welcoming.  We encourage you to communicate your learner’s specific needs with our educator team before class so they can ensure a smooth learning experience.

We'd like to invite you to meet each individual educator who makes up the amazing team at Hub of Curiosity here:  https://bit.ly/hoceducators

Have questions?  Send us a message!  We are always happy to help.  

If there's a class you're interested in, but the scheduled times don't meet your needs, feel free to use the "Request Another Time" link on the class listing.  We do our best to accommodate your needs wherever possible.  

Our refund policy differs from the Outschool Standard Refund Policy.  Please see our full refund policy below.  

Hub of Curiosity wants parents and caregivers to be able to enroll in our classes with peace of mind.  We are busy parents as well and understand that life happens!  The refund policy for Hub of Curiosity classes is as follows:

Semester-length co-ops are fully refundable until 30 days prior to the start of class.  Withdrawing 15-30 days prior to the start of the co-op will result in a 70% refund.  14 days before the start date, the class is non-refundable.  

Fixed-length classes (ex: meets 4x or 6x) are fully refundable until 14 days prior to the start of class.  14 days before the start date, the class is non-refundable.  

Details about Outschool’s Refund Policy can be found here:




90 分鐘

有17 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 9-14
3-12 每班學員人數

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