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C++ 程式設計簡介,第 1 部分。

John Barthelmes
電腦程式設計大學預科入門課程(3 門課程的第 1 部分),作為自定進度的課程。


7 lessons//7 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Introduction to C++
Intro to C++ and programming, compiling our first program. We will get you programming right in the middle of the very first lesson.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Digging Deeper
Designing programs, using algorithms to organize your thoughts and create well-defined solutions. Given a problem, we will break it down into steps, then use that to create our programs.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
If statements, Part 1.
Our first look at a flow control statement, one that allows the program to 'make decisions'.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
If statements, Part 2.
We will look at the If statement, If/Else, Compound If and Nested if. We will see how each form of the If statement is useful for solving problems.
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Switch statement
After mastering different forms of the If statement, we take a look at a different type of flow control - the switch statement. We look at how this is constructed and what situations this works best in.
 Week 6
Lesson 6
String Datatype
The String datatype has a lot of functionality built into it. With string functions we can determine the length of a string, look for things within a string, and create substrings.
 Week 7
Lesson 7
While loops
Another type of flow-control, the while loop allows your program to repeat a chunk of code or action.
Course Outcomes 
•	Students will become proficient and comfortable with problem-solving with respect to programming.
•	Students will understand the basic methodologies of programming in both the procedural and object oriented environments.
•	Students will gain understanding on the syntax and constructs of the C++ programming language.
•	Students will be able to explain the concept of objects/classes and be able to represent real world events in class form.
•	Students will become proficient in the following programming constructs: expressions, decisions, iteration, functions, structures and strings.
I have a degree in computer science and have been teaching all levels of programming and software engineering at the college level for 20 years and have worked in the industry for the same amount of time. This particular course (Introduction to Programming) has always been my favorite to teach. My goal is to give the students an experience that will prepare them to be successful in a Computer Science based college program.

I love programming because there are multiple ways to solve a problem. Computers only do what you tell them to do - whether you realize you're telling them to do something or not!
Each week students will have programming projects to design and complete. These programs will be shared with the other class members, compared and discussed. Weekly discussions will also be created around topics related to programming.
2 - 4 每週課外時間
This is a very hands-on course. Students will be asked to try out the C++ programming principles AS they are being taught in the videos. After each class a lab project will be assigned that guides the student through creating complete and proper running programs that will be submitted to the instructor before the next class. The instructor will be available to guide the student through these labs throughout the week.
Students will be provided with weekly PowerPoint decks that will contain all the information they need. 

We will be using a free online compiler.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
I love to teach! I love the look on a student's face when they "get it" or when they realize how much they love (or are allowed to enjoy) what they are learning!

I have been teaching Mathematics, Computer Science (programming) and Theatre... 


每週或US$86 所有內容
7 預錄課程
7 教師支援週
1 年內容存取權

Completed by 59 learner
年齡: 11-16

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