
Java 簡介

透過我們的 Java 簡介課程為您的孩子開啟程式設計世界!引人入勝的課程、動手做程式設計和支持性的學習環境使本課程完美介紹了 Java 程式設計的迷人領域。


英語程度 - 未知
Beginner - Advanced 等級
為了確保輔導有效,老師建議每週見面 3x。首次購買後預訂額外的定期會議。
  • By the end of this Intro to Java class, students will: Understand Java Basics: Grasp the fundamental syntax, structure, and elements of the Java programming language. Master Variables and Operators: Learn how to declare variables, understand data types, and utilize various operators for efficient coding. Navigate Conditional Statements and Loops: Gain proficiency in using if statements, loops, and conditional logic for program flow control. Dive into Functions and Methods: Explore the concept of functions and methods, understanding how to create and call them in Java. Apply Knowledge in Projects: Showcase acquired skills through hands-on coding projects, reinforcing learned concepts and fostering practical application. Cultivate Problem-Solving Skills: Develop problem-solving abilities by tackling coding challenges and exercises designed to enhance logical thinking. Build Confidence in Coding: Gain the confidence to write Java code independently, laying the foundation for further exploration in the world of programming.
0 - 1 每週課外時間
頻率: Available upon request
回饋: Available upon request
細節: Homework Overview: Homework assignments in the Intro to Java class serve as a valuable reinforcement of the concepts covered in each session. These assignments are carefully designed to be engaging, relevant, and an extension of the hands-on learning experience. Checking for Correctness: Homework submissions will be checked for correctness to provide constructive feedback and support individual progress. While the emphasis is on understanding the concepts rather than perfection, regular feedback will help students refine their coding skills. Requirement for All Students: Completing homework assignments is highly encouraged as they play a crucial role in reinforcing the material covered in class. However, I understand that individual learning styles vary, and flexibility is key. While assignments are recommended for optimal learning, they will not be mandatory. Learners are encouraged to engage with homework at their own pace, aligning with their unique learning needs and schedules.
頻率: Available upon request
細節: Assessment Approach: Assessments in the Intro to Java class serve as checkpoints to gauge student understanding and reinforce learning objectives. The goal is to provide constructive feedback and support individual progress. Types of Assessments: Assessments will include a mix of in-class exercises, coding challenges, and take-home assignments. In-class assessments allow for real-time feedback and interaction, while take-home assignments provide an opportunity for students to apply their skills independently.
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已加入 February, 2024
Classes I Teach:
I specialize in teaching engaging and interactive classes in Mathematics and Computer Science. From the fundamental concepts of algebra to the intricacies of coding in Java, my classes cater to middle school, high school, and... 


60 分鐘

年齡: 10-18

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