

Hub of Curiosity


Teacher Zoe:
Zoe (she/they) is not only a self-proclaimed history enthusiast but also a passionate advocate for creative exploration. Their journey in education spans across diverse experiences, most notably as a prominent figure in educational initiatives at the Boys and Girls Club. With a versatile skill set and a heart dedicated to nurturing young minds, Zoe has undertaken various roles within the clubhouse environment. From providing personalized one-on-one tutoring sessions to orchestrating engaging reading groups, their dedication to fostering learning knows no bounds. Additionally, Zoe's creative flair was a tremendous asset in her role as Art Director at the Boys and Girls Club, where they brought imagination and innovation to the forefront of educational experiences. Through their work, Zoe embodies the ethos of inclusivity and empowerment, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to thrive and discover their unique talents. Their commitment to educational excellence and creativity serves as an inspiration to both learners and educators alike. Zoe is a recent graduate of Mills college at Northeastern University. Their Bachelors of science is in health science and psychology. Zoe specializes in child development and neurodivergences. At Hub of Curiosity, we wholeheartedly celebrate diversity, cherishing the richness of each learner's distinctive journey. Our team of educators and mentors reflects this commitment, comprising a wonderfully diverse group of individuals. Zoe, one of our esteemed educators, brings a remarkable set of skills associated with dyslexic thinking to our classrooms. These include enhanced spatial awareness, a strong visual memory, adept problem-solving abilities, boundless imagination, and profound empathy, among others. While Zoe's written communication may occasionally contain misspellings, it's a testament to her unique perspective and does not diminish the value of her contributions. We invite parents and learners alike to join us in embracing diversity and honoring the uniqueness of every individual, including Zoe, as we collectively nurture a culture of inclusivity and understanding.

Teacher Kate:
Teacher Kate (she/her): Kate is an ADHD adult who is an accomplished filmmaker and passionate bookworm.  She has taught learners between the ages of 2 and 15 abroad in both Germany and Japan.  Kate has a wide foundation of teaching experience from teaching middle schoolers to teaching English as a second language in Tokyo.  She varies her teaching style to meet learners where they are and modulates her approach to suit all neurotypes.  She brings a sense of calm to the classroom that provides an ideal environment for learners to thrive.  Her teaching style is clear, passionate, and supportive.
已加入 October, 2018
俄亥俄州 教學證書 在 社會研究/歷史
Judith Smetana
北卡羅萊納 教學證書 在 英語/語言藝術
Judith Smetana
加州 教學證書
Maura Knowles
德州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Melissa Riggs
科羅拉多州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Melissa Riggs
肯塔基州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Melissa Riggs
碩士 in 電機工程 from University of Idaho
Giselle S. Veach
碩士 in 教育 from University of North Texas
Melissa Riggs
學士學位 in 國際業務 from The Ohio State University
Judith Smetana
學士學位 in 通訊 from San Francisco State Universtiy
Maura Knowles
學士學位 in 機械工業 from University of Idaho
Giselle S. Veach
學士學位 in 電機工程 from University of Idaho
Giselle S. Veach
學士學位 in 工商管理 from Nova Southeastern University
Meagan Tauber
學士學位 in 教育 from University of North Texas
Melissa Riggs
學士學位 in 英語語言文學 from University of Alabama at Birmingham
Tiffany Barnes
副學士學位 in 動物科學 from The Ohio State University
Judith Smetana
Welcome to Hub of Curiosity... where we believe that learning begins with interest!  

We specialize in multi-disciplinary learning that mirrors real-world application and empowering learners to take ownership in class while promoting curiosity... 




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年齡: 7-9
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