
馬裡奧和 Botley 機器人的初級程式設計課程,適合 4-8 歲兒童。

在為期一周的課程中,您的孩子將學習在完成挑戰時對我的 Botley 機器人和馬裡奧角色進行編碼的基礎知識。無需機器人!
Mrs. Thelen


5 現場會議
2 小時 5 分鐘 上課時間


Coding and programming are how we communicate with technology.   I will be offering this 5 day course at various times, so if you do not see a week that suits your family please reach out and I will work with you for a time that works for us both.  This will be your child’s first introduction to coding and programming with the help of our friend a robot and some Mario characters.
Each day we will continue to build the coding skills needed to program my Botley robot, learning how to think ahead and in the language needed to program successfully. This would make a great STEM class. Your child will think like they are my robot in giving directions. The focus will be on how the importance of the right order and correct number of instructions to get the robot to where we want it to go! We will use the same robot each day so that your child's skills can be built upon using the same robot, but they don’t need to have their own one to have fun and learn. A work sheet is provided so that your child can work on the directions for both their turn and others too. I would recommend laminating this or printing out many.
Each session we will go over what was covered before as a reminder, and then demonstrate the moves/instructions needed that session, such as Right, Left, Forward, Backward and Transmit. Each child will tell me the instructions so the challenge can be completed in one transmission to the robot. This helps the child think through each step of the instruction in advance to make sure the robot will meet the challenge. They will also learn about the importance of being exact when coding. 
Your child will also be given the opportunity to help explain to other children how to do each challenge if they want to and if it is needed.

***This class does have a minimum of 2 students needed to run*** 

The class will be interactive and your child will be encouraged to join in as they feel comfortable. Your child will learn to do basic coding/programming through a fun and collaborative way with no robot needed.

Please contact me if you would like a different time to be available and I will see what can be done. I am very flexible.
To program a robot using a programmer.
To think think through every step sequentially in a challenge.
To collaborate with others to meet the challenge.


5 課程
超過 1 週
課 1:
Basic Directions
 Your child will learn how to control the robot 
25 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
 Your child will collect Mario characters in order 
25 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
 Your child will play some soccer coding how to score goals 
25 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Amazing Mazes
 Your child will code the robot to travel around a maze. 
25 分鐘線上直播課


You can print out the worksheet that will be attached to the class upon signing up to help your child with the directions and a worksheet to practice the moves. I would recommend laminating it if you are able to as your child can reuse it for each day.
No robot needed your end.
 3 註冊後即可取得文件
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 February, 2022
愛荷華州 教學證書 在 小學教育
學士學位 在 教育 從 Roehampton University of London
My name is Mrs. Thelen. I earned my Teaching degree in England back in 2002 and started teaching in England that same year and have continued ever since. I have also worked in Denmark, Oregon, Texas and Utah since then. I have a license to teach from the state of Utah and Iowa.
I have taught children ranging from 6 weeks to 10 years in private and public schools, I have taught all general subjects in this setting, mostly teaching 4–6-year-old and I love it!
I believe that children learn best when they are interested and engaged in the learning. I will be using fun ways to teach your child and every child will get a chance to participate in my small group setting.

 I am going to also do a basic coding/programming class for children aged 4-8 using a small robot that the children will learn how to make it move and give me the instructions to fill challenges each time. The children will be thinking through each step to achieve the goal, all while having fun with technology.

I have carried out similar activities in school setting and feel it will benefit children online too. I have worked teaching kindergarten online for the ending period of 2020 school year when Covid hit and the whole of the school year starting 2020-21. During this period, I focused on making sure that along with regular subjects the children could still make connections with myself, and other children, and still be creative.

Some fun facts about me are that I love living in different places, I love creating things and I am also the second eldest of 9 children and have loved being with children all my life!




用於 5 課程
每週5次,共 1 週
25 分鐘

有11 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 4-8
2-4 每班學員人數

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