16 現場會議
12 上課時間作業
每週 1 小時. Students should practice building with tiles and writing the words posted in the classroom for review.評估
Phonogram cards, sound cards, key cards, and word cards will be reviewed weekly to determine mastery. Mastery will be evaluated when students write words, phrases, and sentences with the phonograms that have been taught.我們無法翻譯此文,請刷新頁面並再試一次。
英語程度 - B1
美國 2 - 5 年級
Intermediate 等級
All About Spelling uses multisensory learning. Kinesthetic learning includes building words with letter tiles, finger spelling on surfaces, and writing words, phrases, and sentences. Visual learning includes watching direct instruction of spelling concepts with the colored tiles, seeing the words written down, and looking at the review cards. Auditory learning includes verbally reviewing the review cards, segmenting words out loud, and saying the phonogram's sound as it is written. Each week I will incorporate the following activities: 1. Review phonogram cards, sound cards, key cards, and word cards. 2. Introduce a new spelling concept through direct modeling with the tiles followed by guided practice with the tiles, independent practice in writing, and application in writing in a word or sentence. 3. Analyze a given word based on previously learned spelling concepts and phonograms. 4. Assess your child's progress through their understanding of review cards and demonstration of the spelling concept in writing. Writing can be done on their board with a dry erase marker or by typing in the chat. At the end of each section, students will spell words with partners in breakout rooms while I individually assess the phonogram, sound, key, and word cards. Week 1: Open and Closed Syllables Before a Pickle Syllable Week 2: Pickle Syllables Part Two Week 3: Pickle Syllables Part Three Week 4: UR Week 5: Y Can Say Long E Week 6: The Double Consonant Rule Week 7: Vowel Teams OA and OW Week 8: Review and Assess
Students will know how to identify, divide, and spell pickle syllables.
Students will understand how to implement the Double Consonant Rule.
遵循 All About Spelling 課程16 課程
超過 8 週課 1:
Doubling The Consonant
We will review the sound cards and analyze the word law. I will model when to double the consonant in a pickle syllable word and students will apply this concept when building words with their tiles. They will complete the apple open or closed syllable activity from pages 53-56 by sorting the words by syllable type.
45 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Pickle Syllables with Double Consonants
We will review the key cards and read through the second pickle syllable word bank. Students will determine the job of the silent E in a given word and record it in their Silent E book. They will build words with double consonants and pickle syllables using their tiles. Students will write sentences that contain words from previous lessons as well as words with the fifth job of silent E.
45 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
More Pickle Syllable Words
Students will read through Pickle Syllable word banks 1 and 2. They will write pickle syllable words on the apple dessert cards from page 57. Students will write sentences that contain words from previous lessons as well as words with the fifth job of silent E.
45 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Dividing Pickle Syllables
We will review the phonogram cards and read through the first pickle syllable word bank. I will model how to divide words with pickle syllables emphasizing dividing after three letters, not tiles. Students will practice dividing pickle syllable words. They will also write pickle syllable words.
45 分鐘線上直播課
Students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and ADHD will benefit from the Orton-Gillingham style of instruction.
Students should have completed All About Spelling Levels one and two.
1. Students must purchase the All About Spelling Interactive Kit ($22.85) which includes the letter tiles used to build words OR the letter tiles app. The letter tiles app can only be used if the student has two devices, one to take the class and one to use the tiles app. https://www.allaboutlearningpress.com/tiles-and-boxes-s/ (Only if you have not purchased this previously) OR https://www.allaboutlearningpress.com/letter-tiles-app/ 2. If you purchase the physical letter tiles, you will need a large magnetic white board and a dry erase marker. The magnetic whiteboard is so that students can easily hold up the words they make for me to see. If you purchase the letter tiles app, a small white board and marker is needed. 3. Students must purchase the spelling activity book for level three if not purchased already in part one. This will be used for four classes. https://www.allaboutlearningpress.com/all-about-spelling-level-3-activity-book/ 4. Students will need a notebook to write sentences in or they may use their white board.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
每週每週2次,共 8 週
45 分鐘
年齡: 8-11
3-8 每班學員人數