
關於青少年 Python 程式設計的一切 |適合初學者的靈活 Python 課程

David Sofield
在這個為期 8 週的靈活時間表的高中生 Python 編碼課程中開始學習 Python 編碼!學生將學習 Python 程式設計的基礎知識,同時應用所學知識編寫 6 個專案。


美國等級 8 - 11
Beginner 等級
8 lessons//8 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Starting with Python
Welcome to the world of Python programming! In this part, you'll learn about what Python is, how your computer understands it, and the basics like words (strings) and numbers (integers) in Python. You'll also learn how to do math with Python, create variables to store information, and write comments to make your code easy to understand. Plus, you'll work on a fun mini-project to see what you've learned in action!
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Making Choices with Python
Now, let's learn how to make your Python code make decisions! You'll learn about booleans (which are just fancy words for true and false), how to compare things (like checking if a number is bigger or smaller), and how to use if/else statements to control what your code does. You'll even make a Python Mad Libs game and tackle some challenges to test your skills.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Lists and Rock, Paper, Scissors
In this part, you'll get to know lists, which are like containers for storing lots of things in one place. You'll also learn how to use libraries, which are collections of extra tools that make Python even more powerful. Plus, you'll dive deeper into making decisions with and/or operators, and create a Rock, Paper, Scissors game to play with your friends!
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Python Functions
It's time to learn about functions, which are like mini-programs within your program that you can use over and over again. You'll also explore floats, which are numbers with decimals, and practice converting between different types of data. You'll get to work on some mini-projects to practice writing functions and tackle more challenges.
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Dictionaries and Login System
This part introduces you to dictionaries, which are like lists but with a twist: they store information in pairs of keys and values. You'll also learn about global and local scope, which is about where in your code variables can be used. Plus, you'll update your Python login system project and learn about the importance of lifelong learning in coding.
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Loops and Animation
Get ready to dive into loops, which let you repeat parts of your code without writing it over and over again. You'll learn about for loops, using if/else statements with loops, and the break keyword to stop a loop. You'll also get a taste of the Python Turtle library to create animations, and work on a project to make a spiral animation.
 Week 7
Lesson 7
More Loops and Guess the Number
In this part, you'll learn about the modulo operator, which helps you find remainders, and the not operator, which flips true to false and vice versa. You'll also learn about incrementing and decrementing, which are just fancy ways of saying adding and subtracting. Plus, you'll create a "Guess the Number" game as a project!
 Week 8
Lesson 8
PyGame Zero and Space Collector Game
You'll also learn about the latest updates in Python, control flow, and the PyGame Zero library for making games. Your final project will be creating a "Space Collector" game, and you'll think about what interests you in coding and what you want to learn next.
Students will be introduced to Python and learn about the basic syntax(structure) of the language. The goal of the class is for students to be interested in continuing to learn about coding and technology!
Over 5,000 students from nearly 100 countries across a variety of platforms have started coding in one of my classes. I offer classes covering the foundations of Python, JavaScript, and  HTML/ CSS. I am the author of the soon to be released book All About Python for Kids.  Before teaching I worked as a developer for nearly 10 years. I've worked for organizations including Apple, Dell, and Best Buy. I believe the best way to learn is by doing and all my classes are based around hands-on projects that progressively build in difficulty.
Students are encouraged to complete review questions and coding challenges to practice what they have learned. These challenges will take approximately 1 to 2 hours per week.
1 - 2 每週課外時間
Students will use Code with Mu, a free code editor designed specifically for beginners. Code with Mu requires any Windows, Apple Mac, or Linux computer.  
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
Students will use Code with Mu, a free code editor designed specifically for beginners. Code with Mu requires any Windows, Apple Mac, or Linux computer.  We will also utilize the official Python documentation (instructions) from Python.org and W3schools as references throughout the class. Also, we utilize Pygame Zero for our final game project!
With over a decade of coding experience and a passion for education. I have helped over 5,000 students from nearly 100 countries start their coding journey. I offer classes covering the foundations of Python, AI and Machine Learning. I aim to... 


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8 預錄課程
8 老師回饋週
1 年內容存取權

由 21 學習者完成
Ages: 13-18

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