
冒險模式龍與地下城動漫 5e

在這個正在進行的課程中,學生將使用 Dyskami Publishing 製作的官方動漫 5e 書作為動漫角色一起穿越這片土地。
Devin Bruno


1 現場會議
每週上課 1 小時
Writing your characters backstory. (Optional) Draw your character.


You have traveled through on a long journey through various one shots and campaigns of Dungeons and Dragons having a blast. Now you are looking to changed things up and you have an anime character you have been dying to play but they just don't fit well with the regular D&D rules. You have now arrived here now finding your salvation of the official Anime 5e book. Giving you an entirely new way to handle character creation giving you more flexibility with 14 new races and 14 new classes.
Now you will go on an adventure together across the land deciding what you would like to do and where you would like to go.

This class is heavily learner driven. One class might be starting their second session and just finishing up making level 1 characters where another class is 30 weeks in and everyone characters are at level 5. If you are wonder where a particular campaign is at, what setting everyone wanted to play in, or any other campaign details feel free to message me to check in.

Week 1: Making Characters
-I will be teaching how to make your character.
-Learners will decide what kind of campaign setting everyone would like to play as.
Week 2:  Wrapping up any character creation. Deciding on backstories. Setting personal boundary's.
-Finishing up character sheets and answering any other questions.
-Deciding on what everyone's backstory is going to be. Including but not limited to how each of your characters met or if you would like to meet the other players characters during the class.
-Setting boundary's will be letting the other learners know what they would or wouldn't like to see in the campaign.
Example A: Learner is very afraid of spiders and wouldn't want to fight or see any in the campaign. I make sure to not have any spider battles and learners that can shape shift then agree not to shapeshift into spiders.
Example B: Learner doesn't like snakes but are okay with fighting them but just don't want them described in detail. I will then make sure not to describe battles with snakes in detail.
Week 3: Adventure begins!
-Learner embark on their first quest.
-Everyone will start to get familiar with how their characters work.
-The characters learners play as who don't already know each other from their back story will have a chance to get to know 
Week 4: Face off
-Learners will have finished the first part or all of their first quest depending on their actions and how lucky their dice roll.
-If the first quest is complete learners will decide together where they would like to go next.
-If learners have not completed their first quest they will strategize together how they will complete it
Week 5 and on:
 Continuing the campaign.
-The campaign we play and where everyone goes each session is learner driven.
Example:If players on their sixth class decide they would like to go into the dungeon inside the mountain that is where they will head to. If a different class on their sixth class is in a town where a wizards tower and they decide to go visit a wizard to see if he has any jobs or quests for them then that is where they will try and get to.

Learners joining an already running campaign will get to make a character of the same level as the other learners and will be able to gain other items that both makes sense for their backstory and their level they are coming in as.

Info on current running campaign:
No currently active campaigns but there is one learner waiting for someone to be able to play with ready to join a new campaign.

World option example:
Post apocalypse My Hero Academia:
 Everyone is trying to survive and the start of the campaign everyone decides of they would like to be a roaming band of hero's, set up a home base, or anything else they would like to do. Whatever you do you will have to make sure to not starve.
Witch Hat Atelier:
Use the anime setting of Witch Hat Atelier to play in. Learners could decide to play a similar campaign as the main character of te manga. 
Play an alternate universe where the first big bad evil boss is someone who is kidnapping all the brushbuddy/brushbug's of the world to use for their secret evil plot and all the learners have to join forces to stop them before its too late!
Dragonball Z:
It's time to go super sayan and drive your power level to over 9000!
Unique Fantasy world:
-The big bad has taken over the world and banned all magic user and will capture anyone who is one. The learners must band together to stop him while avoid getting caught using magic.
-Under the sea adventures where most of the campaign is played in the sea.
-World where the surface has become too dangerous to live on. Everyone has taken to the skies and live on air ships. Learners will go on missions to the surface to gather necessary resources to stay alive and afloat. All while keeping any air pirates and raiders at bay.

1) Students are expected to have a basic understanding of Dungeons and Dragons. Whether it be playing a simplified version or the full version of D&D.
2) Whenever a map is needed I will be screen sharing a map. No accounts need to be made for your student on other websites. 
3) If a player joins a class that has already been going on for awhile now they will make their character the same level as the other students that have been playing. 
4) If your learner needs to withdraw from a class and then join a different class you can make a new character or use the same one you had before. If you use a character you have already played with before with a level difference then the students in the new class you 
 a) If you are lower level then the new party you may level up to the same level as the current class. 
 b1) If you are more than one level higher than the new class you will have to adjust your characters level to be the same level. 
 b2) If you want to keep your character sheet the same feel free to make a copy of your character sheet at the lower level and leave the original as is for other classes.
c) You might have to wait to gain items from your higher level character later if it's too powerful for the lower levels. Otherwise you can keep your items.
Example: You want to play your level 11 Ninja Fairy named Leaper in a game where there are level 3 players. Leaper will need to be adjusted to level 3 and if he has a magical dagger that deals a massive amount of fire damage on hit and has a chance to instantly kill an enemy, Leaper would have to wait till he was higher level to gain his magical dagger. If however he had a regular short bow, two short swords, and a fancy hat that he had earned before, Since those wouldn't unbalanced the game Leaper could keep those in their inventory from the beginning.
Learn to work as a group.
Improve math, problems solving, and critical thinking skills.
Deepen understanding of Dungeons and Dragons.
Practice writing with filling out the character sheet and writing up your backstory.


Blank Anime 5E character sheet (Printed)
7 Dice D&D set(4, 6, 8, 10, 10, 12, 20 sided dice)
Core rule book or pocket guide of the official anime 5e book made by Dyskami Publishing Company
Or the digital version at drive through rpg

Q: What is the difference between the core rule book and pocket guide?
A: The core rule book has all the information a dungeon master would need for anime 5e and character creation.
Pocket guide only has the character creation.

Q: Can I play in a class with my friends in an anime setting based off of _______ anime?
A: Yes! I'm open to any suggestions, as long as everyone is okay with the anime you would like the world to be base off of.
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學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 April, 2020

My name is Devin Bruno. I believe in helping kids learn and grow with engaging activities.  I have been teaching youth and the general public about my Native American Culture for over 15 years. I work in an after school program teaching kids board games, magic the gathering, and dungeons and dragons. I have been teaching board games at game shops, conventions, and community events through Double Exposure Envoy for the past 3 years and have been a hobby board gamer many years before then. I have also designed several of my own board game prototypes.

Having them practice various skills like math, teamwork, problem solving, social deduction, outside of the box thinking, and writing.  I love it when the kids can have fun while learning and when it gets to the point where they are so excited about it that they are the ones asking if they can play the board game it's even better.

I enjoy teaching anyone about my Native American culture because being able to do activities is much more engaging and rewarding for students then just reading from a text book. Events that I have taught Native American culture includes 4-H, Indian Education, Native American Culture Camps, Salmon Festivals, Art Shows, Native American Rehabilitation Association, and hundreds of school classrooms in Oregon and Washington.

I have an associates of general science from Mount Hood Community college.




每週 1 次
60 分鐘

年齡: 8-12
1-5 每班學員人數

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