

在為期 4 週的課程中,孩子們將學習如何移情、識別和使用基本情緒詞彙(快樂、悲傷、憤怒、害怕),透過臉部表情表達自己的感受,並尊重地分享自己的需求。


4 現場會議
2 上課時間
每週 1 小時. The student/s may be asked to practice whatever they have learned during the week with their family members or the community. They may be asked to do an emotion book (only one feeling once a week) at the end of their class with the assistance of their parents.


英語程度 - A1
Beginner - Advanced 等級
This is a 30-minute class where I will teach the basic feelings vocabulary for four weeks. Children will learn how to empathize, identify, and use the basic feelings vocabulary (happy, sad, angry, scared), express their feelings by acting using facial expressions and sharing their needs respectfully. We will read books, discuss, sing, and act.

The student may be asked to do assignments during the week, which may include practicing what they have learned and making an emotion book (one feeling once a week) with the help of their parent/caregiver/guardian.

This is not an ordinary acting class, but teaching students social-emotional learning where I encourage, support, and give the students skills that they can practice in their everyday lives.
Children will learn how to empathize, identify and use the basic feelings vocabulary (happy, sad, angry, scared), express their feelings by acting using facial expressions and sharing their needs respectfully.


4 課程
超過 4 週
課 1:
Empathy and Happiness
 My lesson will cover the definition of empathy and happiness. The students will learn to empathize with others and act "happy" out. We will sing a song and read a book from one of the books listed in the sources. 
30 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
 In my lesson, I'll explain sadness and the factors that contribute to it. Additionally, we will discuss expressing students' feelings and needs respectfully. We will be reading one of the books listed in the sources. 
30 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
 In this lesson, I will explain the definition of anger and the factors that contribute to it. We will also discuss respectfully expressing the student's feelings and needs. We will be reading one of the books listed in the sources. If time permits, I will teach the children some coping skills that they can practice. 
30 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
 In this last session, I will explain the definition of fear (scared) and the factors that contribute to it. We will also discuss how to respectfully express the student's feelings and needs. We will be reading one of the books listed in the sources. 
30 分鐘線上直播課


除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
  • Youtube
The following is a list of sources we will use during the class. Parents are not required to buy the books, nor are they required to read to the students. I, the teacher, will use the sources below during classes. I. Video: Empathy (Inside Out) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t685WM5R6aM II. Song: If you're happy and you know it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6LoRZsHMSs III. References may include some or all of the following books: (1). You, Me and Empathy: Teaching children about empathy, feelings, kindness, compassion,recognizing and bullying behaviours by Jayneen Sanders (2). Stand in My Shoes: Kids Learning about Empathy by Bob Sornson PhD (3). The Way I Feel by Janan Cain
已加入 June, 2024
I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, Masters in Mass-communications and currently working on my Master’s in Social Work. I have taught for more than a decade from pre-school, grade school, high school, and college from Asia to the West.

I am passionate about teaching students who are eager to learn to become the best versions of themselves. In my spare time, I read and attend workshops to gather more tools and techniques to put more tools in my toolbox. I also love swimming, walking with our dog and spending time in nature. I look forward to working with your child! Please message me if you have questions.




每週或US$40 用於 4 課程
每週1次,共 4 週
30 分鐘

年齡: 4-5
2-5 每班學員人數

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