Kirsten Bowman JD
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Human Rights Lawyer, Advocate and Professor

About me

I am a human rights lawyer by profession and a university professor and mom by passion. I have my JD with a specialization in international law and completed my PhD in international law in 2023. 

I have travelled the world working for the UN as a human rights attorney and now travel the world with my two children while I consult for the UN and teach at universities around the globe. My home... 
311 classes completed
Joined May 15, 2018


774 total reviews
Kristin Bowman is a phenomenal teacher. What's unique about this class... 
What an opportunity!  These teens were able to compete at the... 
Such a valuable skill to teach during a time of constant disinformation... 
This was an amazing class! I learned so many new skills, and miss... 

Taught by this educator

Meets once per week
マイクロネーション: 自分だけの国を作ろう!Ages 9 - 14
Meets once per week
見出しを超えて: 国連の人権弁護士と世界の重大な出来事について議論するAges 12 - 17
Meets once per week
大論争:スピーチとディベート入門Ages 11 - 15
Meets once per week
正義は果たされた:最高裁判所の訴訟に関する進行中の議論 Ages 12 - 17
Meets once per week
ホロコーストと人間の行動:ディスカッション形式の研究Ages 12 - 17
Meets once per week
上級スピーチとディベートテクニック:説得、機知、論理、修辞の芸術Ages 12 - 17
Meets once per week
模擬国連:複雑な世界における平和と安全の探求Ages 12 - 16
Meets once per week
人権について - 人権とは何か、なぜ人権があるのかAges 11 - 16
Meets once per week
中東紛争:国際法の観点からAges 13 - 18
Meets once per week
人権擁護者と社会正義の戦士:ティーンのための擁護クラブAges 12 - 17
Meets once per week
地政学と推測による地図作成: もしも世界が...だったらどうなるのかAges 12 - 16
Meets once per week
スピーチ&ディベートクラブ:米国および世界の時事問題Ages 12 - 16
Meets once per week
進行中のスピーチとディベートクラブ:議論の芸術と雄弁さAges 11 - 16
Meets once per week
ニュース分析: その日の最も重要なニュースの批判的分析Ages 13 - 18
Classes offered:
12:00 AM - 10:00 PM Coordinated Universal Time