통화, 시간대 및 언어 설정 열기

요약하는 법을 배워보자

이 소규모 그룹, 일회성 독해 기술 수업에서 학습자는 허구 텍스트를 요약하는 연습을 합니다. 수업 대화와 지도된 지도를 통해 스토리에서 포함할 가장 중요한 부분을 결정합니다.
Virginia Hillman, BS. Ed.
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

1개의 라이브 미팅
수업 30 분 시간
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

영어 수준 - 알 수 없음
미국 2학년 - 4학년 학년
*This class will never be canceled due to low enrollment as I will teach to one learner!

When students summarize a text, they must determine what the most essential events are that maintain the gist, or overall meaning, of the story. During this 30 minute class, I will first read the story Fritz and the Beautiful Horses written by Jan Brett, to the students. Next they  will learn what paraphrasing is and how to include the most important events in a summary of the story. Students will be engaged in the process through questioning, learner discussion, and thinking critically about which story elements are essential to comprehension of the tale. I will model the summary format as learners add to the conversation. If learners would like to follow along and write the summary as I guide them, a piece of lined paper and a pencil are needed.

Please be aware that because dialogue is learner-dependent, we may run over the listed timeframe.

그 외 세부 사항

수업 자료
If students wish to create their own summary of the story as they share dialogue to help me write a summary, they will need a piece of lined paper and a pencil.
Outschool 외 필요 앱/웹사이트
아웃스쿨 사이트의 기능 외 별도의 앱이나 웹 사이트를 사용할 필요가 없습니다.
가입일: December, 2020
287수강 후기
교사 전문성 및 자격증
미시간 교직증명서 초등 교육에
I am a certified teacher with over 25 years of experience teaching elementary students. I have found such joy over the years sharing my love of children's literature, teaching literacy skills, and sharing dialogue with children about books. I teach students about different genres of literature, reading non-fiction text, and I also teach a series of lessons about the keys to reading comprehension. The hundreds of children with whom I have worked over the years have taught me that children learn most effectively when they are captivated by a topic, a teacher, or an activity. Children crave engagement and my goal is to provide that in my lessons.


실시간 일회성 수업
회당 수업료


1회 수업

64 명의 학생이 수업을 완료함
실시간 화상 수업
연령: 7-10
수업당 학습자 1-4 명

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