World Class Tutoring
Rising Star
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Dedicated to providing the highest quality SAT and ACT instruction available for high school students world-wide

About us

Every year, ambitious high school students start planning their journeys to college. At World Class Tutoring, we consider it an honor and a privilege to walk with you on this journey. We know you are going to amazing places and are proud to help you along the way!

At World Class Tutoring, we are committed to offering you the highest-quality educational experience because you deserve nothing... 
111 classes completed
Lives in the United States
Joined 2020年12月17日


257 total reviews
My child said the class was “fun, awesome and cool.” 
Very beginner-friendly class!
My student enjoyed this class, she learned some new techniques for... 
We go back to Ms. Anne every time we want to visit the basics - how... 
We've taken this class twice, and my learner loves it!
My son loves teacher and this class. He wants to keep having it . :)

Classes offered:
00:15 - 18:40 協定世界時