1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 55 分この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - A2
Beginner レベル向け
How is the class structured? The fun of this class lies in the questions that students will have the opportunity to answer with their peers. We'll roll the dice to decide who is goes first, and then I'll ask a question like: "Would you rather have the ability to see ten minutes into the future, or one hundred and fifty years into the future? Why?" or... "If you could go on tour with any band, who? Why? What instrument would you play?" Every student will have a variety of opportunities to answer questions and laugh with their new friends from around the world about their own. What will be taught? The focus within this class for all learners is cooperation, communication, and to recognize the similarities that all people share no matter where they are in the world. What topics will be covered? Topics will be as wide ranging and diverse as I can manage as my goal will always to be to keep learners on their toes, thinking, and engaging with what they, and their peers, have to say about any given topic. What is your teaching style? While the class itself will often vary in format, it's very important to me that one aspect of the structure remains the same: Me. The Fred Rogers model is essential in my way of teaching in that I strongly believe that learners need to return to a safe and engaging learning environment each time in order to invest, and once they do... they'll learn. An essential part of this is having a central figure who greets them all the same way each day, puts on his ranch coat, and then goes out to adventure with them all. In the end, he bids them all a fond farewell, and then leaves them excited to come back for more.
Communication: Because the core of all that learners will do in the future will revolve around their ability to effectively communicate with their peers, we will place a strong emphasis on verbally expressing ourselves.
Listening: This space will revolve around students giving one another the time and space to voice their opinions, so we will put a great deal of emphasis upon the idea of listening and comprehending what others are trying to voice.
My background is in Special Education, so the singular goal within all of my classes is to make a place for every learner to feel safe, valued, and heard. If your learner has educational needs, we'll plan for them prior to class.
My background is in Special Education, earning two Masters degrees in 1997, and then proceeding to teach students in settings as diverse as a lock down rehabilitation center for gang members and felons to Living History teaching and curriculum building with a nationally known museum. I've taught elementary students and college students, non-traditional students and students who didn't even know that they were learning. :)
55 分
年齢: 11-14
クラス人数: 2 人-8 人