
ティーン向け Unity ゲーム デザインとコーディング - レベル 0 (入門)

世界で最も人気の高いプロフェッショナル ゲーム エンジンである Unity を使用してビデオ ゲームを作成する方法を 10 代の若者が学ぶ入門コースです。学生はゲーム デザインの基礎、C# でのコーディング、Unity の習得を学びます。
STEAM K-12: Coding & Game Design Education


8 ライブミーティング
6 時間 40 分 授業時間
週1時間. Students will work on several projects (Unity Modules) throughout this course.


英語レベル - 不明
Beginner レベル向け
This class is a great entry point into the world of game design and coding for teens. In this extremely accessible, beginner-focused course, students will journey through the entire game development process with Unity: from concept to design to development to porting & publishing on mobile platforms.

The Unity Game Engine is free, and is one of the most popular and accessible game engines for both aspiring and professional developers to create cross platform games for PC, Mac, iPad, Android and more. Even many popular console games (PS4, Xbox, Switch) are made with UNITY engine. 

Unity Engine was created to fulfill the desire of creating any type of video game such as 2D platformers, racing games, FPS games, maze games, arcade, action games, etc. Unity Engine is available on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms.

In this course, students will first learn the basics of using the UNITY Engine Engine and begin building a full-fledged 2D game from start to finish. Students will be provided with all the necessary tools and resources and guided through the entire game development process. Students will be encouraged to be as creative and original as possible throughout the entire course. What differentiates this course from others is that this course focuses on the digital arts as well: Visual Arts, Graphic Design, Audio & Music Production, Reading and Creative Writing. Intro to Game Design & Coding With UNITY Engine is truly a STEAM (Science Technology Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) course. By the end of this class, students will have have not just created their own video game from scratch, but also be able to play it on any desktop computer or mobile device.
Students will learn how to design, develop and produce games with Unity Engine's interface and prefabs (C# scripts)
Students will learn programming and logic to code character, enemy behaviors and reactions to events in their games through If/Then Statements, Switches, Variables and Loops, all done through a clickable, drag and drop interface.


8 レッスン
4 週間以上
レッスン 1:
Unity Engine Fundamentals & Platform Microgame
 Installation, Troubleshooting and the Basics of the Unity Engine 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Unity Engine Fundamentals & 2D Platform Microgame
 Basics of the Unity Engine / 2D Platform Game 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Unity Asset Store & Package Manager
 2D Platform Game / Unity Asset Store / The Package Manager (Critical) / Installing the 2D GameKit or Karting Microgame 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
2D Game Kit (2D Action-Adventure) OR Kart Racing (Class Preference)
 Game Design 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン


IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS CLASS - PARENTS PLEASE READ: - This is a Game Development class that primarily uses the Unity Game Engine and Visual Studio Code to teach game design and coding respectively. - Planning, design, art, coding, math, science, music writing, reading, logic, coding, social science, etc., are some of the many topics covered in this class - NOT JUST CODING (like in real game / software development). - This is not a drop in class. Each class session and class level leads into the next. - Unity Engine is professional software and we do our best to make it accessible to everyone. Please be patient as this is a group class and everyone is at different levels (this is a GREAT thing). - Troubleshooting is a major part of software/game development. You do not just write code and expect things to happen. There will be a lot of troubleshooting and learning why things fail in this class. PLEASE BE PATIENT as this is a massive part of the LEARNING PROCESS and of teaching SOFTWARE ENGINEERING skills. - Game development is very complex and does not happen in a bubble. Multiple programs will (must) be used. These programs include (but are not limited to) Unity Hub, Unity Engine (Game Development), Visual Studio Code (Coding) and more. These programs are also updated frequently (sometimes weekly) so there is a a lot of downloading, installing and troubleshooting in this class - just like in real professional game development. - Coding is NOT the sole focus of this class. While there will be coding (and it significantly increases by class level), coding alone does not make a video game. - Finally and most importantly, this is class is both EDUCATIONAL and FUN!!!!!!!!
For this course, students will use the UNITY Game Engine.

To install the Unity Game Engine you must first install Unity Hub (https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download). 

After installing Unity Hub, sign in with Google and/or create a unique Unity ID. 
On the left hand side of Unity Hub you will see an option that says "Installs". Click on the installs tab and then click the blue "Add" button on the top right corner. Install the latest "LTS" release (2019 as of this writing). This will install the actual Unity Game Engine. 

Unity runs on most Windows, Mac and Linux machines but the better your video card (GPU) and the more RAM you have (8GB bare minimum) the better the experience (regardless of platform). 

Please try and install the UNITY Engine PRIOR to class starting. Please see link above for downloading and installing.
Please be aware that UNITY is a professional software suite (that's great for kids!) but it does require a decent computer. The more RAM and the faster the hard drive (SSD's) the better it'll perform and the happier our learners will be! 

URLs for primary software used in this class: 

Unity - https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download 

Visual Studio Code - https://code.visualstudio.com/download

Blender - https://www.blender.org/download/

GIMP - https://www.gimp.org/downloads/
参加しました October, 2020
STEAM K-12 is an organization focused on coding and game design classes for K-12 Learners and professional learning opportunities for K-12 Educators. In our classes, kids learn to code, design video games and build software. Our learners have fun while learning the critical skills of tomorrow. We strive for the highest quality instruction. All of our teachers are either credentialed K-12 educators and/or have a background in Computer Science/Tech.




毎週または$144 8 クラス分
週に2回、 4 週間
50 分

14 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-18
クラス人数: 4 人-6 人

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