
サマーコーディングキャンプ: JavaScript で自分だけの世界を構築

Coco Coders
このテーマでは、学生は Minecraft、Roblox などのワールド構築ゲームについて話し合います。その後、イベント、ループ、演算子などの概念を学びながら、p5.js で独自のワールド構築ゲームをコーディングします。


英語レベル - A2
米国の学年 4 - 7
4 lessons//1 Week
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Variables, Events, Loops
Variables - Using a boolean variable to dictate the behavior of the "cursor". Events - Using the mousePressed function to trigger the placement of a new instance of the "Thing" class. Loops - Using a "for...of" loop to iterate through all of the items in the "things" array.
Lesson 2
Events and Operators
Events - Learning about Event Listeners, using the keyPressed function to make the image change when the spacebar is pressed. Operators - Using the not (!) operator to reverse the value of the buildMode boolean variable when a key is pressed.
Lesson 3
Events, Functions, Loops
Events - Reviewing the concept of event listeners by looking at real-world examples. Functions - Creating a "clicked" method within the "Thing" class and having this function return a value of either true or false. Loops - Using another "for...of" loop to check if any of the items in the "things" array had been clicked.
Lesson 4
Kilo Challenge: Code the car to drive faster or slower. Mega Challenge: Edit your code so that only the building will change color when clicked. Giga Challenge: Code the person on the bicycle to move all the way to the left of the canvas when clicked on.
このクラスは 英語で教えられます。
  • Variables - Using a boolean variable to dictate the behavior of the "cursor".
  • Events - Using the mousePressed function to trigger the placement of a new instance of the "Thing" class.
  • Loops - Using a "for...of" loop to iterate through all of the items in the "things" array.
  • Events - Learning about Event Listeners, using the keyPressed function to make the image change when the spacebar is pressed.
  • Operators - Using the not (!) operator to reverse the value of the buildMode boolean variable when a key is pressed.
  • Events - Reviewing the concept of event listeners by looking at real-world examples.
  • Functions - Creating a "clicked" method within the "Thing" class and having this function return a value of either true or false.
  • Loops - Using another "for...of" loop to check if any of the items in the "things" array had been clicked.
頻度: 含まれる
詳細: Assessments in this class serve as a vital tool to measure students’ understanding and application of the course material. We offer a variety of assessments, including discussion questions and project-based evaluations. These are conducted periodically throughout the course to ensure consistent learning progress. Most assessments will be completed in-class to facilitate immediate feedback and discussion. While assessments are an integral part of the learning process, they are designed to be inclusive and accommodating of all students’ needs, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge effectively.
> Note for Parents:
Your student will need:
- a free p5js.org account will be provided
- Access to a laptop or desktop computer with Zoom installed and screen-sharing enabled
- An internet connection of 3mbs+
- A working speaker, microphone and webcam - all Windows and Mac operating systems of the past five years are supported

Note: Please make sure an adult is on hand for the first five minutes of class to help set-up and tackle troubleshooting. iPads and tablets are not compatible and will not work for this class. On many occasions the students will be coding the arrow keys on a keyboard. 
参加しました July, 2020
> Hello

At Coco Coders we teach children between the age of 6-14 how to code at our Live Online Clubs and Camps through exciting themed content such as architecture, fashion and conservation to name a few. Depending on age, we teach using a... 




4 クラス分
週に4回、 1 週間
55 分

4 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-14
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人

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