
STEM: 科学実験 小学生向け 隔週開催中!

この隔週の継続クラスでは、毎回のミーティングで簡単な科学実験を 1 つ行い、科学 Kahoot ゲームでプレイして学んだことを復習します。毎週新しい科学実験と Kahoot トピックが用意されているので、生徒はいつでも参加できます。
Adrianne Hays, BA, CCLS
Rising Star


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 45 分


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 1 - 4
In this ongoing class we will perform a different science experiment each week. Topics stand alone so students can join at any time. We will also play a science kahoot game to review what we learned at the end of each class. I teach in an interactive way! I love involving students in discussion! I will post extra learning videos and all the supplies needed for the experiments in the classroom every week.

Week of Nov 4th: Dissolving Candy Corn (solutions and dissolving)
Week of November 18th: Blowing up a balloon with science (reactions)
Week of Dec 2nd: Lava lamp density
Week of Dec 16th: Balloon barometer (Air pressure)
Week of Jan 6th: Gummy Bear Osmosis
Week of Jan 27th: Marshmallow catapult (simple machines)
Week of Feb 10th: Magic Milk (surface tension)
Week of Feb 24th: heart pump experiment (circulatory system)  
Week of Mar 10th: Floating ping pong ball (Bernoulli's principle)
Week of Mar 24th: Coin Inertia (Force)
Week of April 7th: Floating carrot (density)


Students will learn the science that makes each experiment work and review the weekly topic with a kahoot game.


Students will need parental supervision for our science experiments each week. We will use a Kahoot game each week to review. Students can use the kahoot app downloaded to a phone or tablet or just go to kahoot.it in a web browser with a parents help to play the game. Students will always have the option of playing on a team with the teacher instead of signing into the game.
Week of Nov 4th: Dissolving Candy Corn (solutions and dissolving)
3 glasses or beakers (more if you would like to try other liquids too)
Half a cup of Rubbing Alcohol
Half a cup of oil (cooking oil or baby oil)
Half a cup of water
Candy Corn (or any candy)
A timer
Week of Nov 18th:  Blow up a balloon with baking soda/vinegar (chemical reaction)
Baking Soda
Empty Water Bottles
Measuring Spoons
Funnel {optional but helpful)
Week of Dec 2nd: Lava lamp (density)
empty water bottle (to half full)
water (1/2 cup)
oil (1/2 cup)
food coloring
alka seltzer tablets
Week of Dec 16th: Balloon barometer (Air pressure)
* Heat-resistant glass jar
* Rubber band that fits around the mouth of the glass jar
* Balloon
* Wooden skewer
* Scissors
* Tape
* Paper
* Pencil
* Bowls (3)
* Tap water (hot, cold)
* Ice cubes
* Paper towels 

Week of Jan 6th: Gummy Bear Osmosis
3 gummy bears
2 drinking glasses
1 spoon
Something to heat water with (for example a microwave oven or a kettle)
Week of Jan 27th: Marshmallow catapult (simple machines)
At least 7 craft sticks (or popsicle sticks)
3 rubber bands
Small marshmallows
plastic spoon
Week of Feb 10th: Magic Milk (surface tension)
Milk (whole or 2%)
A bowl or casserole dish
Food Coloring or liquid water colors
Liquid dish soap
Toothpick or cotton swab
Week of Feb 24th: heart pump experiment (circulatory system)  
glass jar
red food coloring
balloon (extra balloons in case one rips)
2 straws (metal or plastic)
Week of Mar 10th: Floating ping pong ball (Bernoulli's principle)
ping pong ball
funnel or paper to make a funnel
hair dryer
Week of Mar 24th: Coin Inertia (Force)
paper plate or cardstock
Week of April 7th: Floating carrot (density)
2 cups (clear)
2-3 baby carrots
  • Kahoot
参加しました November, 2020
Rising Star
学士号 University of Akronから 人間発達家族学 へ
Hello! My name is Adrianne Hays. I am currently a homeschooling mom of two kids. We have been homeschooling for 10 years. Before teaching on outschool, I spent 5 years teaching math and science to preschool and elementary school students through our homeschool coop. As we moved online, I found that I enjoy teaching virtually. I love to involve students in discussions online and find ways to make digital classes interactive and hands-on. I started teaching on Outschool in 2020 and I absolutely LOVE it! The long term relationships I have built with families and students have been amazing. I have enjoyed coming alongside parents and helping them foster a love of learning in their children! 

If your family is interested in one of my classes but is financially not able to pay the price listed because of your current financial situation, please message me!

I have a Bachelor of Arts in Child Development from the University of Akron and minors in psychology and family development. I am a Certified Child Life Specialist (CCLS) and worked in a hospital setting with children before staying home with my own children. As a child life specialist, I helped children and families cope with the stress of hospitalization and illness through developmentally appropriate interventions including therapeutic play, preparation for procedures and education. I loved teaching children about anatomy and physiology in the hospital setting in a way that they could understand. I have always loved math and have enjoyed making math fun and encouraging students to see that they can be successful at learning tough math concepts! I also have a passion for child development theory and psychology. 

I believe learning should be fun! I have loved watching my own children and those I teach grasp concepts for the first time. I think children learn naturally and I hope to inspire them to want to explore concepts and follow their interests to learn more in the future. I think that developing relationships is an important part of teaching and something as simple as calling a student by name and getting to know their interests can make a huge difference!

I currently live in the Bay Area after living in the Chicago area for 7 years. I love going to museums! I am a museum membership collector! :-) I love running, trying new foods, and exploring new places!  As a homeschool mom, I am enjoying relearning history, Chemistry, Algebra and more! I love reading mystery fiction with a good twist at the end.





45 分
121 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 6-10
クラス人数: 3 人-10 人

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