この 6 週間のオンライン コースでは、生徒は簡単な数字の足し算と引き算の方法を学びます。
6 録画レッスン
6 週間
週1時間. They will receive homework twice a week after explanation videos.課題
There will be 3-4 assignments per week depending on lesson of the day.進捗レポート
I will go over the work they have done and if completed properly they will get the credit for it. I will give the guardian a report halfway through class and at the end of class.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 Pre-Kindergarten - Kindergarten
Beginner レベル向け
In this class we will be going over how to add and subtract simple numbers. We will go over simple numbers briefly, then learn about addition and work out problems, then will learn about subtraction and work out problems, finally there will be review and time for available questions. I will have videos of me explaining our topics, fun videos as well. We will also have problems and work to try out as well. I am also available for questions at any time.
Learn how to add simple numbers.
Learn how to subtract simple numbers.
2 ユニット
6 レッスン
6 週間以上ユニット 1: Simple Addition
レッスン 1:
Number Review
We will have a review of numbers, needed for this class.
19 分のビデオレッスン
レッスン 2:
Addition Symbol
We will talk about the addition symbol and what it does.
11 分のビデオレッスン
レッスン 3:
Learning to Add
You will learn how to add simple numbers.
15 分のビデオレッスン
ユニット 2: Simple Subtraction
レッスン 4:
Subtraction Symbol
We will talk about the subtraction symbol and what it does.
11 分のビデオレッスン
Students should know basic numbers 1-10. I have a course for learning numbers 1-10 called Learning Simple Numbers for Kindergarten.
You can either print out the assignments and homework or do them on whatever device you are using.