

これらは、加算と減算の計算、位取り、パターン、形状、演算を理解し、数の感覚とそれが表すものについて確固たる基礎を身に付ける準備ができている若い学習者 [5-6 歳] のための継続的な数学クラスです。
Paula Reid


2 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 50 分
Learners work with their Teacher and other learners to complete tasks, assignmets in class.
Assessments are given throughout the course as concepts are taught.


英語レベル - A1
米国の学年 Kindergarten - 1
Beginner レベル向け
Welcome to Ready to Learn MATH For Young Learners ~ Ages 5 & 6. These are ongoing math classes for young learners five to six years old who are ready to gain an understanding of addition & subtraction facts, place value, patterns, shapes, operations, gaining a solid foundation in number sense and what they represent.

Learners will count, [forward and backward], learn one to one correspondence, place value, patterns, shapes, operations [how to actually do addition and subtraction problems]. They will play with magnetic manipulatives, engaging their kinesthetic, visual modalities, and a little bit of geometry, too. Okay, let me explain geometry before you say not my 5 or 6 year old. That's a bit much for that age. Simply put, geometry in this framework is just recognizing shapes and the number of sides, and maybe even angles. And yes, they can learn this at this age.

Learners will use different types of number models, which include number blocks, number lines and magnetic counting chips, Play-Doh, to help them visualize what each number represent, getting them ready to actually add and subtract.

There will be movement, singing and opportunities for learners to bring visual aides to class.

This will be a fun time and work, too, for young learners as they build a solid foundation NOW so as to prevent misunderstanding with future, more complex mathematical skills.

Ready to Learn MATH For Young Learners ~ Ages 5 & 6 meets twice a week. Each week is self-contained with new concepts for the learner to grasp. Learners should, as in any other situation, begin now rather than later. Remember, lessons are twenty-five minutes twice a week where much can taught and learned in that short period of time. Give your learner time and plan to stay a while and watch their growth. Good teaching and instruction + good learning pays off!

Lessons will include:

Math Development 
✏️ counting
✏️ number recognition
✏️ colors, shapes, patterns
✏️ sorting
✏️ one-to-one correspondence with numbers
✏️ word association with math concepts

Social Interaction
✏️ shared time
✏️ group activities
✏️ educational learning games
✏️ working together
✏️ listening to one another
✏️ following directions

Reading & Language Development  
✏️ math stories read aloud by Teacher 
✏️ shared reading, singing, chanting
✏️ rhyming through nursery rhymes
✏️ vocabulary & sight words associated with math

The order of skills & concepts taught may change based on the make-up of learners in the class. Weekly topics will include: 

Month of January 2025: Learner & Teacher Introductions, Class format, Let's Start 
Week of January 13th: What's UP With Numbers - Oral Counting 0-10 
Week of January 20th: What's UP With Numbers - 0 - 20, Understanding Addition - 
          Adding with Pictures
Week of January 27th: What's Your Favorite Number - Writing Numbers 0-10
          Putting Numbers Together - Solving Addition Word Problems

Month of January 2025: Learning Ten Frames & Groups , Place Value
Week of February 3rd: Learning Ten Frames & Groups , Place Value
Week of February 10th: What Pattern Do You See ? - Representing Numbers With 
            Objects & Pics
Week of February 17th: Greater, Less, Fewer, More - Compare by Matching 0-10, 10-20
          Understanding Subtraction, Take away, Difference
Week of February 24th: Two Dimensional Shapes - Same, Different, Circles, Triangles
Week of March 3rd: Two Dimensional Shapes - Squares, Equal sides, Hexagons

Welcome to an exciting mathematical journey through the fascinating world of numbers while your learner builds a solid foundation in addition and subtract skills. Let's have fun learning Math together! 

*** Note to Parents: Please have the learner 's supplies listed below in the Learner Supply List at the learner's first class so s/he is ready and prepared to participate fully upon enrollment. Thank you.

For academic purposes, cameras and mics must work and be turned on for the duration of each lesson. 

Parents should be near-by but not visible on camera, to assist the young learner in the event of internet or technical problems.

*** Additional lessons, skills and concepts may be substituted and in alignment with Common Core State Standards [CCSS].


✏️ Learners will gain a clear understanding of how addition and subtraction works, have a clear understanding of numbers, how they work and what they represent.

✏️ Learners will gain confidence in doing math at an early age, a good beginning


SPECIAL NOTE TO PARENTS: To ensure each learner's success, please follow the guidelines below: ✏️ Learner should be rested and ready to participate for the entire class time ✏️ Learner should eat and drink before coming to class ✏️ Learner should go to the bathroom BEFORE class begins ✏️ Learner should be in a quiet, non-distracting place in order to hear the Teacher's instructions and be able to interact with other learners and Teacher ✏️ Learner should be in a cleared, clean area/working space ✏️ Learner's camera and mic should be working and on at all times throughout the entire lesson ✏️ Parents are encouraged to be present [but off camera] with young learner to assist with learner attention/focus and any technical issues that may arise ✏️ Along with math instruction, there will be reading, movement, singing, drawing, laughing, lots of fun and possible scavenger hunts. *** Note to Parents: Please have the learner 's supplies listed below in the Learner Supply List at the learner's first class so s/he is ready and prepared to participate fully upon enrollment. Thank you. For academic purposes, cameras and mics must be working and turned on for the duration of each lesson. *** Additional lessons, skills and concepts may be substituted and remain in alignment with Common Core State Standards [CCSS].
✏️ eager and curious mind
✏️ listening ears
✏️ Magnetic dry erase board [11" x 14"]
✏️ Dry erase markers [black, blue, green purple]
✏️ Dry erase eraser  [or a clean sock]
✏️ Magnetic numbers - Suggested number manipulatives: Teacher Created Resources Magnetic Numbers and Symbols [available on Amazon]
✏️ ZDZBLX 100 Pack 10 Colors Fridge Magnet Refrigerator Magnets Small OR Dowling Magnets Magnetic Two-Color Counters [Red/Yellow, 1 inch Diameter Each], Set of 200, Counters for kids 
✏️ 50 Magnetic Counting Chips - Suggested manipulatives: 40 Animal Magnets, Refrigerator Fridge Magnets for Kids, Magnetic Animal Toys for Toddlers, [available from Amazon] 
✏️ Lined primary writing paper
✏️ Pencils
✏️ Crayons or colored pencils
✏️ working camera
✏️ working mic

✏️Teacher supplied worksheets 

From time to time, other supplies may be needed for projects done in class. Parents will be notified in advance.
参加しました January, 2023
修士号 Indiana Universityから 教育 へ
Being an educator for forty + years, I've taught all subjects to students K-8 which included math classes at all levels. I've taught special needs students and designed full curriculum for K-12 students. In addition, I have taught students online for seven years. When I was a young student, I thought I didn't like math because any thing above addition and subtraction seemed a little hard for me. The truth was, I didn't understand the fundamentals of math operations, even though I could calculate and get the right answers every time when adding or subtracting. This is why I am so passionate about learners understanding the concept and relationship to numbers and operations, because once they understand that, learners can build on the basic fundamentals taught at this age and excel in Math and really begin to love it as I do now.




毎週 ( $16クラスごとに )

25 分
1 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 5-6
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人

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