
屋外でのポア ペインティング! - 私と一緒に探検してポア ペインティングを楽しみましょう。

Steffani Hipp
生徒たちは、創造性と科学を融合させて予測不可能な抽象芸術を生み出すプロセスであるポア ペインティングの素晴らしい世界を探求します。このクラスは旅です。絵の具をコンパスにしましょう。


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 3 - 6
Beginner レベル向け
  • Let go of perfectionism.
  • Embrace an open minded approach to art.
  • Explore, Experiment, and get creative!
I am an avid pour painter, and have explored the creative process of lots of different types of pours! I will share my personal experience and guide learners through the pour painting process. 
This class is beneficial for those who need some art therapy in their life. Unwind, destress, and unplug! Relax your mind and create! 
There are no prerequisites needed. 
Canvas Pour Painting Material List

-Canvas (canvas panels in your preferred size)
-Acrylic Paints: Various colors of acrylic paint. (Choose high-flow or fluid acrylics for the best results, but regular acrylics can work if thinned properly.)
-Pouring Medium: A quality pouring medium to mix with the acrylic paints to achieve the right consistency and flow. Popular choices include Liquitex Pouring Medium, Floetrol, or other similar mediums.
-Plastic Cups: Multiple disposable plastic cups for mixing paints and pouring. (At least one cup per color, plus extras for mixing.)
-Stirring Sticks: Wooden or plastic sticks/spoons for mixing paint and medium. (Popsicle sticks work well.)
-Drop Cloth or Plastic Sheeting or cover of some sort: To protect your work surface from spills and drips.
-Disposable Gloves: To keep your hands clean while handling paints and pouring medium.
-Apron or Old Clothes: Wear an apron or old clothes that you don’t mind getting paint on.
-Palette Knife or Spatula: For spreading and manipulating paint on the canvas.
-Silicone Oil (Optional) To create cells and interesting effects in the paint. (A few drops in each paint color can produce striking results.)
blow dryer (that can be messy or with adult assistance!) (Optional):
-Paper Towels or Rags: For wiping hands, tools, and cleaning up spills.
-Water and Soap: For cleaning brushes, tools, and your hands.
Additional Optional Items:
-Varnish or Sealant: To protect and finish your painting once it’s dry. (Gloss, satin, or matte finishes are available.)
-Measuring Cups: For accurately measuring paint and pouring medium ratios.

With these materials, you'll be well-equipped to create beautiful, dynamic pour paintings. Happy painting!
Pour painting is a messy process, and requires a space that is:

1. okay to create/get messy in. 
2. Students need a space where their art can remain flat until fully dry. 
3. Learners will need clothes that are okay to get paint on. 
4. PARENTAL ASSISTANCE may be needed for use of a hair dryer (not required)
参加しました July, 2021
Hello learners! My name is Mrs. Hipp and I am an Art teacher! I have taught art at all ages! I created an after school art club for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades including a mural painted by the middle school art club. I taught art with PreK and... 




50 分

年齢: 8-13
クラス人数: 1 人-12 人

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