
(継続中)米国50州 - 地理と事実 - 米国政府

週に 1 回開催されるこの継続的なクラス (カリキュラムは 17 週間ごとに繰り返されます) では、生徒は米国の 50 州のそれぞれの州都やその他の事実を学びます。
Maria Ward


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 45 分


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 3 - 6
Important: students may join this class at any time. They do not need to learn the state in any order. When they have been enrolled for 17 weeks, they will have learned about all 50 states.

******* For this class learners will need a notebook and a pencil or pen.  They will also need crayons, colored pencils, or markers.*******

********  The material will repeat every 17 weeks. *******

*****IMPORTANT:    Outschool does not require students to leave their camera on during class. (They must turn it on briefly at the beginning of class while attendance has checked, but after that they are allowed to turn the camera off. ) HOWEVER, I would like your student to leave their CAMERA ON during our  class. It is difficult for me to check for their comprehension of what were discussion if I cannot see your student. When a student's camera is off and they do not reply to a question, I don't know if they're not answering because they have left the room, are not paying attention and are distracted, or if they simply don't understand and are thinking about how to answer. If their camera is on, it is much easier for me to assist them and make sure they are getting the most benefit from class. If you would like your students to have their camera turned off during class that is OK, but please let me know so I don't require them to turn it on.*******

In this ongoing class, students will learn the 50 states in the United States and the capital city of each one. Through discussions, games, songs and activities, students will learn some important facts and interesting information about each state. 

Some the facts the students will learn include:
The capital of the state,
The size and population of the state.
The flag of the state.
Landmarks and tourist attractions.
State nicknames and mottos.
Interesting Historical facts.
Weird Facts and Trivia

Students will be encouraged to memorize the capital of each state.  Students may print the map I will post in the class room and label and color it.  The students will be encouraged to talk about states they have visited, and what they already know about each one. If they have photographs or souvenirs, they are welcome to show them to the class.

Week of November 26:
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona

Week of December 3:
Arkansas, California, Colorado

Week of December 10:
Connecticut, Delaware, Florida

Week of December 17:
Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho

No class week of December 24

Week of December 31:
Indiana, Illinois, Iowa

Week of January 7:
Indiana, Illinois, Iowa

Wake up January 14:
Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana

Week of January 21:
Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts

Wake up January 28:
Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi

Week of February 4:
Missouri, Montana, Nebraska

Week of February 11:
Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey

Week of February 18:
New Mexico, New York, North Carolina

Week of February 25:
North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma

Week of March 3:
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island

Week of March 10:
South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee

Week of March 17:
Texas. Utah, Vermont

Week of March 24:
Wisconsin, Wyoming, Washington DC


For this class learners will need a notebook and a pencil or pen.  They will also need crayons, colored pencils, or markers.
 クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
参加しました August, 2021
学士号 Univerity of South Carolinaから
My name is Maria. I was born in South Carolina, USA. When I was 7 years old my family moved to Latin America. When I graduated from high school, I returned to the US to attend university  I have been married for 39 years and have 3 adult children and 6 grandchildren. 

I have a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of South Carolina and have been a teacher for over 25 years.  Much of my teaching experience has been teaching reading. I have led children's book clubs and read aloud groups. I have taught reading comprehension and grammar, history and American Government to elementary and middle school students. I am bilingual and I have taught Spanish to children and adults for many years. I also have many years experience teaching ESL in person and online. 

I love to read. I also love to travel. I've been to the driest desert in the world and the southern most city on the globe. I've climbed a mountain in Central America where you can see both the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean,  and I have kissed the Blarney Stone.  I have done many exciting things. I have flown in a glider and a hot air balloon and I have parasailed. But I will never, EVER, bungee jump! 

Students in my classes will have fun while they work hard improving their academic skills. I have a lot of experience teaching children online, and I know how to keep students engaged in the lesson.  I am a patient teacher. Children matter. Their ideas and opinions matter, and their success matters. I want to hear what my students have to say.  I make sure they know I am proud of them.





45 分
100 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 8-13
クラス人数: 2 人-10 人

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