

NY Regents State Exam の生物学科目試験に関する事前評価、模擬試験、個別指導で構成される総合的な試験準備コースです。
Latasha Smith, Ph.D.


60 分
週あたり 2-4 時間. 週1~2回


英語レベル - A1
Beginner - Advanced レベル向け
The New York State Regents Examination Testing Program has been designed to measure science knowledge and skills as defined by the New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards.  

Students complete a pre-assessment which will be used to measure improvements in scores. Individualized practice exam questions will be used during sessions.  An emphasis on interpreting diagrams, reading short articles, writing short answers and essays, and selecting the best responses will be emphasized.  Students engage with the tutor using a digital interactive whiteboard. Progress reports are provided after each tutoring session.  

Timed testing will be emphasized.  
Learning objective #1 - A student will be able to construct an explanation based on evidence that living things rely on systems that interact and the role of feedback mechanisms and homeostasis. 

A student demonstrates an understanding of structure and function by using science and engineering practices, core ideas, and crosscutting concepts related to interacting living systems, planning and conducting investigations, developing models and constructing explanations by: 

• Identifying questions regarding phenomenon to investigate a feedback mechanism [HS-LS1-3] 
• Developing an investigation plan to collect evidence that answers a question about feedback 
mechanisms and homeostasis [HS-LS1-3] 
• Describing the change in a system, how the response will be measured, and how the response 
changes the system [HS-LS1-2] 
• Collecting relevant data to construct explanations [HS-LS1-3] 
• Using a variety of valid and reliable sources to show that living things rely on interacting systems 
• The interactions between systems provide specific functions [HS-LS1-2], [HS-LS1-1] 
• Explaining that the structure of DNA d

Learning objective #2 - A student will be able to develop and use models to construct and revise explanations based on evidence for the cycling of matter and transfer of energy within ecosystems. 

A student demonstrates an understanding of matter and energy in organisms and ecosystems 
by using science and engineering practices, core ideas, and crosscutting concepts related to developing 
and using models, constructing and revising explanations and using mathematical representations to 
support claims related to: 
• Identifying and describing the energy and matter components of a model [HS-LS1-5], [HS-LS1-7] 
• Describing the relationships between energy and matter components of a model [HS-LS1-6], [HS-LS1-7] 
• Explaining the transformation of energy and changes of matter in an ecosystem [HS-LS2-3], [HS-LS2-4], [HS-LS1-5] 
• Using a variety of valid & reliable evidence [HS-LS1-6], [HS-LS2-3] 
• Applying scientific ideas, principles, and/or evidence to explain how the components of matter can be rearranged and how energy changes within the system [HS-LS1-7], [HS-LS1-6] 
• Revising the explanation based on new evidence [HS-LS1-6], [HS-LS2-3] 
• Identifying and describing the components of the system [HS-LS2-5] 
• Describing how energy flow and the cycling of matter can be expressed as a mathematical relationship [HS-LS2-4] 
• Using the mathematical representations to support the claim [HS-LS2-4] 
• Using evidence to identify the components of a system and their relative concentrations to develop and use a model [HS-LS1-5]

Learning objective #3 - A student will be able to construct an explanation based on evidence that living things rely on systems that interact.

•Providing an explanation and factors that affect carrying capacity and factors that affect 
biodiversity at different scales [HS-LS2-1], [HS-LS2-2] 
• Using mathematical representation to identify changes in ecosystems and support their explanation [HS-LS2-2] 
• Constructing an explanation that the degree of disturbance determines the degree of ecological change [HS-LS2-6], [HS-LS2-7] 
• Using reasoning to connect evidence to the degree of change in an ecosystem [HS-LS2-8], [HSLS2-2], [HS-LS2-1] 
• Designing a solution to address environmental stability and biodiversity [HS-LS2-7], [HS-LS2-2] 
• Evaluating potential solutions for maintaining stability, including a consideration of trade-offs in an ecosystem [HS-LS2-7]

Learning objective #4 - A student will be able to ask questions and make and defend claims based on evidence about how hereditary information leads to variation in traits.

•Identifying relevant parts and processes of cellular systems [HS-LS1-4], [HS-LS3-1] 
• Explaining the role of mitosis in the differentiation and development of a complex organism [HS-LS1-4] 
• Formulating testable questions that arise from examining a model that addresses the structure of DNA and chromosomes [HS-LS3-1], [HS-LS3-2] 
• Describing the cause-and-effect relationship between DNA sequences and their functions [HS-LS3-1], [HS-LS3-2] 
• Using concepts of statistics to link the evidence and claim that changes in DNA can cause variation [HS-LS3-3] 
• Use models to understand the structures and functions of the human reproductive system. [HS-LS1-8]

Learning objective #5 - A student will be able to evaluate scientific evidence and communicate how biological evolution explains the unity and diversity among organisms.

•Using multiple lines of evidence to show patterns linking species together and to common ancestors [HS-LS4-1] 
• Communicating that patterns observed provide evidence for the causal relationship to evolution [HS-LS4-3], [HS-LS4-2] 
• Identifying the cause-and-effect relationship in the process of evolution and between natural selection and adaptation in populations [HS-LS4-5], [HS-LS4-4] 
• Organizing the data specific to the changes in heritable traits [HS-LS4-3], [HS-LS4-5] 
• Using reasoning to link the evidence and claim that changes in DNA can cause variation HS-LS4-1]

Learning objective #6 - A student can develop models and investigations, analyze data and feedback mechanisms, and construct arguments based on evidence that demonstrate the coevolution of life with Earth’s changing systems and the cycling of matter and energy within and between Earth’s systems.

•Distinguishing between the numerous places where carbon can move on Earth [HS-ESS 2-6] 
• Explaining that the amount of carbon on Earth remains the same, even though it may be transferred from one Earth system to another [HS-ESS 2-6] 
• Predicting the result on the other systems if one of Earth’s systems has a significant increase in carbon [HS-ESS 2-6] 
• Describing the relationship and subsequent consequences of continuing to increase carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere on climate [HS-ESS 2-6] 
• Articulate how the process of photosynthesis altered the composition of gases in the early Earth’s atmosphere [HS-ESS 2-7] 
• Identify examples of organisms that could have been responsible for this transition to an atmosphere with oxygen [HS-ESS 2-7] 
• Provide examples of how changes in the Earth system caused changes in life on Earth 
[HS-ESS 2-7] 
• Describe situations where living organisms caused changes within the Earth systems [HS-ESS 2-7]

Learning objective #7 - A student can analyze models, including mathematical and computer simulations, that present criteria, trade-offs, and a range of constraints to design and evaluate a solution that optimizes technological and engineering practices for the management of systems, societal needs, environmental impacts, and real
world problems.

•Student-collected data, models, and simulations that identify, describe, and solve real-world problems designed to balance societal needs with societal wants while attempting to reduce impacts. [HS-ETS1-2, HS-ETS1-4] 
• Solutions to global challenges that meet criteria, require trade-offs, and are limited by constraints as illustrated (HS-ETS 1-1, HSETS1-3)


Learning objective #1 - A student will be able to construct an explanation based on evidence that living things rely on systems that interact and the role of feedback mechanisms and homeostasis.
Learning objective #2 - A student will be able to develop and use models to construct and revise explanations based on evidence for the cycling of matter and transfer of energy within ecosystems.


A comprehensive test prep course consisting of pre-assessment, practice testing, and tutoring on problem areas.
英語 (レベル: A1)
参加しました September, 2021
My experience includes teaching and tutoring experience in middle school, high school and college level sciences including chemistry, physics, earth science, and biology.  I also have test prep and test administration experience with high school and postsecondary education entrance exams including SAT, SSAT, ISEE, ACT, and others. 





60 分
1 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 11-14

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