
Minecraft のサバイバルが私たちの使命です! 採掘を始めましょう! - Java 版

生徒たちは挑戦し、想像力を駆使して Minecraft の世界でブロックを壊します。この世界を征服するには、社会的な交流と計画が鍵となりますが、ほとんどの時間はただ楽しむことだけになります。
Mr. B
New on Outschool


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 1 時間 30 分


Please note: This is Minecraft Java Edition for PC or Mac only.  This class is not compatible with game consoles, iPads, Pocket Edition, Bedrock Edition or Switch.

In my class, we will play Minecraft survival on a safe private server.

Through our imagination and idea sharing we will dive into this immersive world headfirst, but always landing on our feet as we construct new and impressive designs.  In this (ongoing) class students can join at any point with the other Minecrafters and start having fun!

With the entire world at our fingertips the Minecrafters will be encouraged to explore the world, build a home and defend it from the monsters of the world.  Harvesting our imagination is like gathering the resources of this Minecraft world, it’s endless.  Minecrafters will also have the opportunity to decide what projects they would like to work on as a team.   If your Minecrafter prefers to play on their own in this safe learning environment during class, this is also welcome.  I will always see to it that everyone gets their fair share of attention in my class.  I hope to see you in the world of Minecraft!!

Please send me your child's username in a message after signing up so I can add them to the private server list. Only currently enrolled students will be allowed in the server for privacy and safety reasons. I will provide the server address in class.

Minecraft topics for discussion will be mining, farming, building, crafting, making potions, fighting monsters, crafting weapons, mobs, biomes, the Nether. etc.
Students will engage in safe discussion on the many adventures, projects and everything they want to accomplish.  Village building, dungeon building, ship building, farming the land, Nether exploration, finding treasure, the power of redstone, fighting the Ender dragon.  Just to name a few.   We will come up with many more things to do along the way as a group.  Students with more experience are encouraged to help other learners, we are all in this Minecraft world together.

Minecrafters will learn to:
•	Work together as a team.
•	Develop their social skills
•	Think outside the box as they plan out their next big project
•	Make friends along the way

1. We all play in this Minecraft world together, so be RESPECTFUL of all our creations, no destroying of the other minecrafters creations.

2. No griefing, stealing, attacking without consent, teasing/bullying/trolling or destroying of property.

Breaking these rules will lead to temporarily removed from the World.  Continuing to break these rules will lead to being BAND from the world.

•	By chance, if there are any problems with the Minecraft servers, Class will be canceled, and a full refund will be issued.
•	Headphones with a mic work well if there is not a quiet place for the learner to take class. 
•	Echoes can happen if there is more than one learner in a room, to prevent this have the learners wear headphones.  If headphones are not available, then have the learners in separate rooms to prevent the echoes.
•	Any logging on issues I will help the student with separately.  Parents that can help their learner if they are having any technical issues are appreciated.
•	I recommend at least 10-15 minutes before class to have the learner restart the computer as this will help with a well running game, also check the headphones and microphone are working properly.
•	Please check the version of Minecraft you learner is using as this class uses Java Edition. Reminder: Java Edition is played on PC or Mac, it is not compatible with Bedrock Edition, Xbox, Pocket Edition, Switch, iPad.
•	I use a software plugin on the server to restore, and correct any griefing, stealing or destroyed property.   Anyone caught doing so may be removed from the class/server.


Students will learn social interaction through active listening, problem solving skills through critical thinking.
Imaginative thinking through visually constructive designs.


Please note: Gamer tags will be necessary to join the private servers, as private servers are important to keep our learners safe while gaming online. Parents or learners must message gamer tag directly through private messaging so it will not be available to the public. Never allow learners to share their gamer tags in the classroom page. Minecraft has very little violence or graphic content. There is no blood in the game, players can hit enemies or animals to survive. This game will be played on a safe private server that will be moderated by a teacher.
Minecraft Java Edition
Not an official Minecraft product. Not approved or associated with Mojang.
参加しました October, 2024
New on Outschool
I been playing Minecraft for 5 years now.  I have also worked for a school district with learners of all age groups for over 6 years.  I am a coders, developers and project manager who specialize in hands on learning, as this is the key to most learners development.  I have learned over the years that gaming is one of the best ways to teach learners how to open there mind to new ideas as well as having fun in the process.





90 分
年齢: 11-16
クラス人数: 1 人-12 人

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