数学の事実の流暢さ: 複数の戦略による加算と減算のスキル!
必要に応じて会議をスケジュールする45 分
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 2 - 5
Welcome to Math Fact Fluency: Building Multiplication Skills Through Multiple Strategies!!! Class Description: In this high quality math class, students will gain knowledge, understanding and tools to apply multiple strategies to evaluate math facts. Students will gain skills to support the conceptual, procedural and application of fact fluency understandings. Students will focus on multiplying 1 digit by 1 digit, 2 digit by 1 digit and 2 digit by 2 digit factors. I will provide students with multiple ways to access content through best practices for teaching and learning, to include teacher modeling and student discourse. Based on the Common Core Standards of learning for each grade level, students will exercise the Standards of Mathematical Practice to: 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3. Model with mathematics 4. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 5. Attend to Precision Students will be able to interact with learning content through direct instruction, collaborative conversation, fact fluency assessments, shared interactive slides, video clips, discussions, independent practice problems, reading, writing and drawing.
Learning Goals:
Students will be able to take away tools and strategies that will strengthen foundational skills in order to support students in the classroom. The goal is to meet students where they are academically and provide scaffolds and differentiation that fit the learning needs. The overall goal is for students to gain confidence and understanding that can be applied across various areas of Mathematics.
Additional Class Details: Parental Guidance
Outschool takes measures to build safety and security into learner experiences. For the purpose of this class, students will engage with approved third part tools to include the google suite, Kahoot and youtube for educational purposes and connections. The tools needed will simply require a google account to gain access as needed.
Materials: 1. Growth Mindset 2. Scratch Paper 3 (2) Sharpened Pencils 4. Charged Laptop
Additional Class Details: Sources
Outschool takes measures to build safety and security into learner experiences. For the purpose of this class, students will engage with approved third part tools to include the google suite, Kahoot and youtube for educational purposes and connections. The tools needed will simply require a google account to gain access as needed.
45 分
年齢: 7-12