
Raspberry Pi とセンサーを使った Python での機械学習 (レベル 1)

この 10 レッスンのコースでは、学生は Python プログラムを作成し、LED、IR センサー、サーボなど、Raspberry Pi に接続されたさまざまな電子モジュールと対話する機械学習プロジェクトを作成します。
AI Code Academy


10 ライブミーティング
10 授業時間
週あたり 2-4 時間. Projects are not mandatory but we strongly encourage students to complete them


Our Raspberry Pi projects enable students to explore computing, and to learn how to control and communicate with various electronic modules using Python. This course is perfect for students with some Python experience who want to explore hardware and learn to apply machine learning in their projects. The beginning of the course is dedicated to setting up and introducing the Raspberry Pi. Each of the eight guided projects includes circuit construction and Python programming. Included are two machine learning projects in which students train their own model and apply it to create a smart electronic system. Students will write code to interact with input and output devices such as LEDs, IR sensors, servos, and more. 

Prerequisite: At least 15 hours of Python programming experience
Recommended experience: Project-Based Python Level 2 or higher

For a week to week program, check out the syllabus.
Students in our Raspberry Pi course delve into computing, mastering Python for controlling electronic modules and exploring machine learning applications across eight guided projects.
From setting up the Raspberry Pi to crafting circuits and programming in Python, they create smart electronic systems integrating machine learning models with input and output devices like LEDs, IR sensors, and servos.


10 レッスン
10 週間以上
レッスン 1:
Setup and Software
 The first lesson is dedicated to ensuring all students have set up their Raspberry Pi OS properly, connecting using VNC, and introducing the desktop, command line, and common applications.
Task: Set up and connect to Pi
Finish any set-up steps that could not be completed before class and introduce Raspberry Pi. Ensure students can connect to the Raspberry Pi using VNC without issue. Introduce Linux command line basics and the Thonny Python IDE. 
60 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Hardware and Circuit Basics
 Students will test the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins, identify all components necessary for this course, and learn the basics of electricity and safe circuit construction.
Task: Identify components and learn electronics concepts
Ensure students can locate all necessary parts and that GPIO pins are functional before beginning circuit construction lessons. Provide students with an understanding of circuits and electricity with a combination of lesson instruction and short informational videos. 
60 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
LED Blink Project
 Designed to act as a starter project to introduce proper use of the breadboard, basic hardware components, and programming on the Raspberry Pi.
Task: LED Blink Project
Students will follow along to construct their first circuit and write python code that turns an LED on and off in a loop. 
60 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Machine Learning
 Students learn the basics of machine learning and create their own machine learning models that will predict whether the sentiment of some text is happy or sad. The prediction from this model will be used to control the LED circuit.
Task: Machine Learning Setup
Students log in to aicode101.com to create their first model, using Python's requests module to interact with the site's API for predictions, and modify the LED_blink code to control the LED based on these predictions. 
60 分のオンラインライブレッスン


Dear Parents, Thank you for your interest in our Machine Learning in Python With Raspberry Pi & Sensors program. In this online live course, students will program in Python to control various electronic modules that connect to Raspberry Pi including LEDs, buzzers, servos, ultrasonic sensors, IR sensors, and more using machine learning models. This program is for intermediate to advanced students who had at least 10 hours of Python experience and are new to programming on the Raspberry Pi. This class requires a lot of hands-on experience, and can be quite challenge to some young students. It may also require some involvement from parents, particularly when setting up the Raspberry Pi operating system. Some students are able to complete the setup independently, while others may need assistance with these steps. Please communicate with your learner before enrolling in this class. To prepare, please purchase the hardware listed in the Materials section and Learner Supply List one week before the first class to allow time for shipping. For our lessons, students will need to install our prepared Raspberry Pi OS image which has been specifically configured for our courses. It contains the necessary files and settings, and has been tested thoroughly with every lesson to ensure everyone can be successful with the projects. Our environment also features a new simplified headless setup method which allows you to enter WiFi settings directly on your Raspberry Pi from any device. We require students to use VNC Viewer to access the Raspberry Pi desktop so that instructors are able to assist with programming. If students prefer to use a separate monitor and keyboard, they may do so in addition to connecting through VNC. To get started, please watch the setup video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbAK4gUvZkk All required software is available on Windows or Mac - No Chromebooks. Please see technical requirements in Sources for more details. Important notes: As per Outschool Policy: For the safety of all students, all cameras must be on during the entire class duration, or at least for the first few minutes of the class session in certain circumstances. Please mute your audio (keep video enabled) during the class session. For those that have never used Outschool before, please follow this link for some awesome preparation before our first class: https://support.outschool.com/en/articles/802757-how-to-prepare-for-your-first-class To join the class, please login to your Outschool account and click the scheduled session to get into the classroom, where you click “Join live meeting” to join the zoom classroom. There is no zoom link needed. If you have any questions/concerns please feel free to reach out through us on Outschool. We are beyond excited to have this opportunity to go on this amazing coding adventure with you all. Please come prepared and ready to learn for our first class, see you soon! Best regards, AI Code Academy
Prerequisites: Python experience (10 hours at least) required

Materials: students need to purchase the following items:
1, Raspberry Pi Kit from:  https://a.co/d/fHRuqCH

or https://www.canakit.com/raspberry-pi-4-extreme-aluminum-case-kit.html

2, Freenove Ultimate Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi ($49)     https://a.co/d/7031zX4

3, If your computer doesn't have a SDHC card port, you also need to purchase an adapter   https://www.amazon.com/Vanja-Adapter-Portable-Memory-Reader/dp/B00W02VHM6
 クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
参加しました April, 2020
Project-based, STEM Coding + AI Programs + Mathematics

Early registration, Sibling and Multi-Course Bundle discounts Available!

The list of our summer camps can be found in this file: https://shorturl.at/bcBGP 

AI Code Academy offers the following project-based learning programs:
(1)  Basic Computer Skills (Grades 1-8)
(2) Scratch Coding Projects(Grades 2–5) two levels
(3) Micro.bit Coding Projects(Grades 3–4)
(4) AI Machine Learning Projects with Scratch(Grades 4–6)
(5) Roblox(Grades 3–8)Two levels
(6) Project-Based Python for Kids (Grades 4–12)  
(7) Game Design with Unity 2D & 3D(Grades 4–12) two levels
(8) Project-Based JavaScript for Kids(Grades 4–12)   two levels
(9) Web Design for Kids: HTML & CSS & WordPress   (Grades 4–12)
(10) Int./Advanced Python Projects for Kids(Grades 5–12)(two levels)
(11) AI Machine Learning in Python with Raspberry Pi  & Sensors(Grades 6–12)three levels
(12) AI Machine Learning in Python with Big Data(Grades 6–12)
(13) Machine Learning in Python with Raspberry Pi  & Smart Devices (Grades 6–12
(14) Project-Based Java(Grades 6–12)
(15) Project-Based C++(Grades 6–12)
(16) AP Computer Science A (grades 9-12)

All of our coaches are college students and/or recent graduates majored in Engineering or Computer Science.

We aim to create effective support for young people to have a successful pathway into careers in science, computer science, engineering, math and artificial intelligence, to challenge gifted minds to learn while doing, and to better prepare our young generation to face an increasingly challenging and complex society in the world of artificial intelligence (AI), big data and Internet of Things (IoT)

We are among the very few organizations who are able to offer AI Machine Learning projects for kids.




10 クラス分
週に1回、 10 週間
60 分

163 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 11-16
クラス人数: 5 人-8 人

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