
* ジャーナリズム 101: ストーリーの特定からストーリーテリングの習得まで

Brandy Dahlen and BE Education
Star Educator
この 15 週間の学期クラスでは、学生はジャーナリズムの原則を学びます。


英語レベル - A1
Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠
15 lessons//15 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Introduction to Journalism
Overview of course objectives and structure History and evolution of journalism
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Finding Great Stories
Identifying newsworthy topics and angles Research techniques for story development
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Understanding News Values
The significance of timeliness, proximity, prominence, and impact Balancing hard news and human interest stories
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Research Skills for Journalists
Effective research methods and sources Fact-checking and verification procedures
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Interview Preparation
Active listening and rapport-building techniques Asking open-ended questions and probing for detail
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Conducting Great Interviews
Active listening and rapport-building techniques Asking open-ended questions and probing for detail
 Week 7
Lesson 7
Shaping the Narrative
Structuring news and feature stories Writing engaging headlines and leads
 Week 8
Lesson 8
Writing Clear and Concise Copy
Principles of journalistic writing style Writing for different platforms (print, online, broadcast)
 Week 9
Lesson 9
Feature Writing Techniques
Developing characters and scenes Using descriptive language and storytelling techniques
 Week 10
Lesson 10
Investigative Journalism
Introduction to investigative reporting Researching and uncovering hidden stories
 Week 11
Lesson 11
Multimedia Storytelling
Incorporating multimedia elements (photos, videos, infographics) Writing for audio and video formats
 Week 12
Lesson 12
Editing and Revision
Techniques for self-editing and peer review Polishing writing for publication
 Week 13
Lesson 13
Ethics and Legal Issues in Journalism
Principles of journalistic ethics and standards Understanding libel, defamation, and copyright
 Week 14
Lesson 14
Pitching and Selling Stories
Crafting effective story pitches Building relationships with editors and publishers
 Week 15
Lesson 15
Final Project: Story Showcase
Students showcase their best work from the course Peer review and feedback session
  • Students will: Understand the principles and ethics of journalism. Identify newsworthy stories and develop story ideas. Conduct thorough research and gather reliable information. Master interview techniques to elicit insightful responses. Write clear, concise, and engaging news and feature stories. Edit and revise journalistic content for accuracy and style. Develop critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate news sources.
Hi! I’m Karimah. I’m a mom of four, global citizen, ardent traveler, and communications specialist of 25 years. I’m originally from Alabama but call Raleigh, NC home for now. I’ve spent 15 years traveling and working abroad, primarily in journalism, communications, and marketing. Among the many roles I’ve assumed, I’ve worked as a teacher, AP teacher, university instructor, coach, trainer, consultant, curriculum developer, and evaluator.

It goes without saying that my professional passion is helping others effectively communicate – whether through a speech, essay, presentation, or ad. My methodology springs from a singular truth; great communication is about understanding the motivations of the receiver and what you want the end result to be. Once you’re able to understand that, everything else will fall into place!

I’ve had immense fun seeing my students bloom into effective communicators. When it “clicks”, there’s an excitement in their eyes, which I look forward to seeing in each of my students’ eyes here!
頻度: 1-2 per week
フィードバック: リクエストも承ります
頻度: リクエストも承ります
頻度: リクエストも承ります
Hall, Homer L., et al. Student Journalism & Media Literacy. Rosen Publishing, 2015. 
参加しました May, 2020
Star Educator
修士号 University of Torontoから 教育 へ
修士号 University of Cambridgeから 歴史 へ
Brandy Dahlen
修士号 Eastern Michigan Universityから
Karimah Whitaker
学士号 Birmingham-Southern Collegeから 歴史 へ
Brandy Dahlen
学士号 University of Alabama at Birminghamから
Karimah Whitaker
New to Outschool learners, use code BRANDYD2020 for $20 off your first class on Outschool.  Let me know if you use this code :)

Hi everyone!  I am Brandy, and I lead BE Education.  This organization includes only the most highly qualified... 


毎週または¥300 15 クラス分
週に1回、 15 週間
45 分

年齢: 12-17
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人

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