

これは、資格を持った経験豊富な高校教師が教える 1 年間のクラスです。以下のカリキュラムは最初の学期のものです。生徒は、教師の許可があれば、学期の変わり目や他の時期にも参加できます。古典小説について話し合い、書きます。中学の上級生も入学できます。
Gina Trent


40 ライブミーティング
40 授業時間
週あたり 2-4 時間. Students can usually expect to spend 2 - 3 hours per week reading and sometimes writing at home. It's the quality of the work that's important, not the quantity! The number of pages will depend on the book. Students will work do most of their work individually. There may be a group project or two if feasible.
I give numerous detailed comments on each piece of writing. In addition, I give numeric grades on writing, and numeric and letter grades at the end of the semester if parents would like me to. I'm also available for parent/teacher conferences.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 9 - 12
Intermediate - Advanced レベル向け
About me: I am informal, empathetic and funny, I have high standards, and I love my students!  My classes are very much discussion based, and all students' views are solicited and heard.  

The curriculum for this semester includes, in this order: Oedipus the King by Sophocles (Ancient Greek), Things Fall Apart  by Chinua Achebe (Nigerian),  and Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare (English).  Please see the supply list for the recommended editions.  There will also be short stories and poetry, including and "The Second Coming" by William Butler Yeats to accompany Things Fall Apart and "Sonnet 18" to follow Julius Caesar.

While the readings will be the same for both sections of the class, the Monday/Wednesday class is intended for older students and will probably move a little faster and possibly go deeper.   This being said, there are always students of differing abilities in a class, so if your younger child wants/needs to enroll in the Monday/Wednesday class or an older child wants/needs to enroll in the Tuesday/Thursday class, they are welcome!

Weeks 1 and 2 -- We will go over expectations for the class, read a couple of short stories ("The Necklace" and "Louisa, Please Come Home"), and discuss their characters, literary techniques, and central ideas.  Students will also write a TIED paragraph about one of the stories to present to the class.

Weeks 3  - 5 -- Reading and discussion of Oedipus the King's characters, literary techniques, and central ideas. Students will write an essay on their choice of topic related to the book to present to the class, and we will critique each other's writing.

Week 6 -- Reading and discussion of chapters 1- 8 of Things Fall Apart.  
Week 7 - Reading and discussion of chapters 9 - 13 of Things Fall Apart.  
Week 8 - Reading and discussion of chapters  14 - 19 of Things Fall Apart.  
Week 9 - Reading and discussion of chapters 20 - 25 of Things Fall Apart.  
Week 10 - Reading and discussion of poem
Weeks 11-12 - Students will write an essay on their choice of topic related to the book to present to the class, and we will critique each other's writing.
Week 13 - Reading and discussion of Julius Caesar, Act 1
Week 14 - Reading and discussion of Julius Caesar, Act 2
Week 15 - Reading and discussion of Julius Caesar, Act 3
Week 16 - Reading and discussion of Julius Caesar, Act 4
Week 17 - Reading and discussion of Julius Caesar, Act 5
Week 18 - Students will write an essay on their choice of topic related to the book to present to the class, and we will critique each other's writing..
Week 19 - Reading and discussion of poem
Week 20 - Students will write an essay comparing ideas about leadership in two of the three books we've read.

Here are some sample questions for Things Fall Apart: 
Explain some of the proverbs in the book.
Compare ideas about masculinity in Ibo culture with ours.
Is Okonkwo a tragic hero?
A sample essay topic based on Things Fall Apart: Which is more just -- the Ibo system of justice or ours?  

Students will revise each essay, based on my and other students' feedback, at least once.  Grades will be provided according to a rubric which I share.  Students may receive academic credit for this class.  No background experience is required, other than the ability to read and understand the readings with my help, and the willingness to try and to learn from the class.


The goals of the class are:

to expose students to great writing from different times and places so they can see how humans and societies are similar and different,

to think critically about what we read and what constitutes great writing,

to explore ideas that are raised in literature and relate them to our own experience, 

to understand and empathize with people who are different from ourselves,

to learn the different techniques by which authors express their ideas,

to "read between the lines," or make inferences from a text,

to express our own ideas precisely and vividly, both orally and in writing,

to learn, practice and improve different types of writing, and

to have fun reading and discussing literature.


The books we will be reading were written for adults. I have chosen them in discussion with a number of parents, and based on my experience, they will be suitable for most, but not all high school students. Parents are welcome to Google them and make their own decisions.
Students will need to have copies of the books.  I will provide any additional stories or poems.  The editions I am suggesting, in the order we will be reading them, are: Oedipus the King, University of Chicago Press; Things Fall Apart, Penguin Press; and Julius Caesar, No Fear Shakespeare. 

It would also be helpful to have a set of different colored highlighters or colored pencils, and/or a set of different colored post-it page markers, for noting and differentiating among quotes that show different characters' personalities, literary techniques, themes etc.
In addition to the books listed, I may provide stories, poetry and background information on historical periods or authors.
参加しました June, 2023
ニューヨーク州 教員免許 英語/国語で
I have a permanent license from New York State to teach English Language Arts, and did so in New York City public high schools for over 20 years.  I have taught online private classes for three years.





週に2回、 20 週間
60 分
19 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 14-16
クラス人数: 6 人-12 人

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