
AI と機械学習入門 | AI & Python コーディング サマー キャンプ

David Sofield
これは AI と機械学習の入門サマーキャンプで、学習者にこれらの興味深い分野の基礎を紹介します。学生は実際の機械学習ツール、Python コード、実際のデータを使用して 3 つのプロジェクトを完了します。


米国の学年 5 - 8
Beginner レベル向け
8 lessons//2 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Intro to AI and Machine Learning
In this day, we will explore the concept of intelligence and its connection to artificial intelligence. We will delve into the basics of AI, its significance in today's world, and its various real-world applications. Additionally, we will distinguish between artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science, and understand the importance of machine learning as a subset of AI.
Lesson 2
Machine Learning Foundations
We will dive into different types of machine learning algorithms and get acquainted with Code with Mu, a popular code editor. This day also introduces the Python libraries NumPy and Pandas for data manipulation and analysis. We will learn how to work with Pandas DataFrames and start our first machine learning project on predicting favorite music genres.
Lesson 3
Machine Learning Project Music Prediction
Continuing with the music prediction project, we will delve deeper into machine learning concepts. We will discuss the types of problems AI can solve and the differences between supervised and unsupervised learning. The day will also cover various steps involved in a machine learning project.
Lesson 4
Data Handling in Python
This day focuses on handling and processing data using Python. We will explore the ethical considerations of data science and the human aspect of AI. The introduction to NumPy and Pandas will be deepened, and we will also learn about Matplotlib, a Python library for data visualization.
 Week 2
Lesson 5
Data Preparation and Ethics in AI
We will explore the relationship between data and artificial intelligence, emphasizing the importance of data collection and preparation for machine learning. The day will also cover the potential problems and ethical challenges associated with AI data. Additionally, we will highlight the importance of research and problem-solving skills in coding.
Lesson 6
Introduction to Scikit-learn and Machine Learning Libraries
We will get introduced to Scikit-learn, a popular machine learning library in Python, and learn about the nearest neighbor algorithm for classification tasks. This day also marks the start of our second machine learning project, which involves classifying species of iris flowers using a linear regression machine learning model.
Lesson 7
Machine Learning Project and Advanced Concepts
We will continue working on the iris classification project and explore decision trees as a method for classification. The day will also cover the concept of loss and how to measure the accuracy of a model. Additionally, we will learn about the importance of splitting data into training and test sets for model evaluation.
Lesson 8
Advanced Machine Learning Projects and Career Paths
In the final day, we will work on a project to classify images as dogs or cats using machine learning algorithms. We will learn how to use Scikit-learn for image classification tasks and revisit the concepts of accuracy in this context. The day will also discuss the importance of test and training data in evaluating image classification models and explore career opportunities in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence.
このクラスは 英語で教えられます。
By the end of this class, students will be able to understand the foundational concepts of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), and apply these concepts to solve real-world problems. Students will gain proficiency in using Python programming language and key libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Scikit-learn to manipulate data, implement machine learning algorithms, and evaluate model performance. Through hands-on projects, students will develop the skills to build, test, and refine machine learning models for classification and prediction tasks.
Over 5,000 students from nearly 100 countries across a variety of platforms have started coding in one of my classes. I offer classes covering the foundations of Python, AI, and Machine Learning. I am the author of the soon-to-be released book All About Python for Kids.  Before teaching, I worked as a software developer for nearly 10 years. I've worked for organizations including Apple, Dell, and Best Buy. I believe the best way to learn is by doing and all my classes are based around hands-on projects that progressively build in difficulty.  I'm a graduate of Mount St. Mary's University in Emmitsburg, Maryland. I can't wait to meet your learner in the class and get started soon. 
There will be review questions and practice assignments each day, taking approx. 30 mins to 1 hour each day.
授業以外に週あたり 2 - 4 時間の学習が期待されます
Students will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the class. Students must attend at least 6 classes to receive the certificate.
This is a coding-class using real Python code and the same tools used by professional AI and Machine Learning engineers. Please review the coding requirements listed at the end of this description or the parental guidance section.
Students will use Google Colab during this class and will need a Google Account to access Colab. Colab is a browser-based code editor and there are no minimum hardware requirements for student computers. Students will need a reliable Windows, Mac, or Linux laptop or desktop for this class. 
Students will use Google Colab during this class and will need a Google Account to access Colab. Colab is a browser-based code editor and there are no minimum hardware requirements for student computers. Students will need a reliable Windows, Mac, or Linux laptop or desktop for this class.  Students will also utilize the following Python libraries, including Scikit-learn, NumPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas throughout the class. The documentation (instructions) for these libraries will be used as a reference throughout the course. Students will be provided with datasets and examples as CSV files that can be downloaded from the Outschool classroom.

***Required Coding Knowledge****
Learners should have an excellent understanding of the foundations of coding, including conditional statements, functions, loops, arrays/lists, and objects. Learners should have completed comprehensive beginner level coding classes before starting this course. Any programming language is fine, such as Python, Java, JavaScript, C / C++, or Swift. There will be a brief review during the first few classes using Python. There are many excellent beginner and intermediate coding classes available on Outschool. 
参加しました April, 2020
With over a decade of coding experience and a passion for education. I have helped over 5,000 students from nearly 100 countries start their coding journey. I offer classes covering the foundations of Python, AI and Machine Learning. I aim to... 


毎週または¥225 8 クラス分
週に4回、 2 週間
60 分

年齢: 10-14
クラス人数: 5 人-12 人

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