30 ライブミーティング
22 時間 30 分 授業時間宿題:
週1時間. Homework WILL be assigned for this course. -Students will need to rewrite the sentences that we corrected in class. -Students will be assigned some sentences to correct on their own. -Students will use a dictionary to define assigned terms to bring to class. Some terms will be defined in the class.テスト
Students may turn in their rewritten sentences for feedback, although it is not required.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
Beginner レベル向け
Not seeing an available class? Please find me at The Delightful Classroom for additional courses. **Important Note: This class begins in September 2024 and ends in April 2025.** This is a full-year, two-semester course. Breaks will be scheduled. IEW Fix It! Grammar Town Mouse and Country Mouse is level two and pairs with Structure and Style for Students 2A (SSS 2A). This course also pairs well with IEW's theme-based writing courses: Frontiers in Writing and Wonders of Science. #IEW Fix-It! Grammar: Town Mouse and Country Mouse is a fun and engaging way to teach learners English grammar. Students go sentence by sentence in an ongoing story and hunt for grammar errors, fixing them along the way. Learners will rewrite the sentences correctly. Students will stay engaged in the process because the story is ongoing, and who doesn't want to find out how the story ends? Students will continue to define parts of speech, practice capitalization and end marks, practice identifying sentence openers and homophones, practice identifying adverb clauses, comma rules, and more! Students will need the student book for Fix It! Grammar: Town Mouse and Country Mouse https://iew.com/shop/products/fix-it%E2%84%A2-grammar-level-2-town-mouse-and-country-mouse-student-book Students will need a dictionary (or a way to define assigned terms). Students must have access to Nearpod.com. It would be helpful if students could annotate on their screens. Class time will be spent teaching the new vocabulary, concepts, and directions and reading and correcting as many sentences as possible. Unfinished sentences will be assigned as homework. I will use slides and other resources to encourage interaction between the students and myself. Students may also volunteer to read sentences aloud. Students will need their workbooks during class to identify and label the parts of the sentence as they go. Each week, the previous material is reviewed while new materials are presented. This class will cover the following topics: Week 1: Nouns, articles, adjectives, capitalization, end marks, indentation Week 2: Pronouns, more capitalization, and end marks Week 3: Prepositions Week 4: Verbs: linking verbs, helping verbs, strong verbs Week 5: Coordinating conjunctions and commas with items in a series, the who-which clause Week 6: Adjectives, quality adjectives, homophones, commas with coordinating conjunctions Week 7: Interjections, quotation marks, more capitalization, and end marks Week 8: Writing numbers and review Week 9: Adverbs, -ly adverbs, adjectives, more capitalization Week 10: That clause, contractions Week 11: Review Week 12: Homophones, imposter -ly adverbs, Nouns of Direct Address, and comma rules Week 13: Adverb clauses, commas with adverb clauses, more homophones Week 14: Review Week 15: Adverb clause or prepositional phrase Week 16: Possessive adjectives Week 17: Subject sentence openers Week 18: Prepositional sentence openers Week 19: Review Week 20: -ly adverb, sentence openers Week 21: Review sentence openers Week 22: Strong verbs, quality adjectives, and -ly adverbs Week 23: Coordinating conjunctions Week 24: Quotation marks Week 25: Sentence openers Week 26: Adverb clauses Week 27: Prepositions Week 28: Review adjectives and adverbs Week 29: Prepositions Week 30: Final Review ************************************************************************************************* Students need to have completed The Nose Tree (book one) before taking this class or have a basic understanding of the eight parts of speech. #IEW *************************************************************************************************
Students will continue to define and label parts of speech, explain basic comma and capitalization rules, be introduced to complex sentence patterns, and more.
Students will practice excellent handwriting by rewriting sentences in their notebooks. Students will learn new vocabulary.
Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) カリキュラムに準拠30 レッスン
30 週間以上レッスン 1:
Week 1
Lesson 1
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Week 2
Lesson 2
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Week 3
Lesson 3
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
WEek 4
Lesson 4
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
At times, learners may need help with using a dictionary, correcting sentences, or completing the review lessons. Learners are welcome to contact me through the class page for help as well.
Town Mouse Country Mouse is level two in the IEW Fix-It! Grammar series. Beginning English grammar students should complete level one, The Nose Tree, before enrolling in this class.
Students will need the student book for Fix It! Grammar: Town Mouse and Country Mouse https://iew.com/shop/products/fix-it-grammar-nose-tree-student-book-1 Students will need a dictionary (or a way to define assigned terms). Students must have access to Nearpod.com
Students must purchase their own copy of IEW Fix-It Grammar: Town Mouse and Country Mouse.
毎週週に1回、 30 週間
45 分
5 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-14
クラス人数: 4 人-8 人