
幾何学第2学期: ライブ授業

これは高校幾何学の第 2 学期です。まず第 1 学期またはそれに相当するものを受講してください。
Amy Schriever B.S, MMath
Star Educator


32 ライブミーティング
26 時間 40 分 授業時間


英語レベル - A1
米国の学年 9 - 12
Material will be presented through exploring concepts and discovering relationships between mathematical concepts.  There will be examples, practice and exploration.  Students will be given an example or exploration activity, then will work with the instructor to understand problems then they will solve problems on their own.   We will use Desmos to explore many concepts so that students can have a hands-on experience as well as more traditional practice.

This course is designed to emphasize the study of the properties and applications of common geometric figures in two and three dimensions.  It includes the study of transformations and right triangle trigonometry.  Inductive and deductive thinking skills are used in problem solving situations, and applications to the real world are stressed.  It also emphasizes writing proofs to prove properties of geometric figures.   After taking this class, you should plan on taking Algebra 2 and then Precalculus.  As a teacher, I feel that each student's learning is important.  

Week 1:  Similarity, Similar Right Triangles
Week 2: Special right triangles, Trignometric Rations
Week 3: Non-right Triangle Trignometry
Week 4:  Transformations
Week 5:  Transformations
Week 6:  Area of polygons,  Using Trignometric ratios to find areas
Week 7: Trignometric Practice
Week 8: Circles area and arcs
Week 9: Cross Sections, Surface Area
Week 10: Surface Area and Volume
Week 11: Surface Area and Volume
Week 12: Circles: Tangent lines, chords and arcs
Week 13: Circles on the Coordinate plane
Week 14:  Circles

Each week students will have a quiz. These assessments will be graded and students will be allowed to redo if desired.   Math is a journey to understanding, it's important to practice through assignments and learn from assessments.   As a teacher I hope to foster a comfortable environment to learn.


Algebra 1
Students should have paper, writing utensils, and the ability to print out notes and additional handouts.  For geometry, you will need a calculator for Trigonometry.  Although I recommend a TI-84 for my other high school math classes, for this class Desmos or the Desmos scientific calculator phone app would be enough.
  • Desmos
参加しました April, 2020
Star Educator
ユタ州 教員免許 数学で
修士号 Utah State Universityから 数学 へ
学士号 Brigham Young Universityから
I have a Masters of Mathematics and am a licensed secondary math and financial literacy teacher.  I also teach a math class for a local university.   I love the exploration of math and plan to explore it in all of my classes.   I also have a love of real world application and will also be teaching financial literacy courses.  

 My semester long classes   will include plenty of exploration but will also be courses that will allow students to understand and practice concepts.  As far as core classes go I teach Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalculus and Financial Literacy.  

I have taught in ages 12 to 18 in a traditional classroom.  I have also spent time volunteering and substituting in elementary math classes.    I have worked with many students that have math anxiety and look forward to working with your students.

Feel free to request classes.  I teach both integrated math as well as algebra, geometry, trignometry and statistics as well as financial literacy.  I  have received certification through NGPF to teach financial literacy.




毎週または$430 32 クラス分
週に2回、 16 週間
50 分

14 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-18
クラス人数: 3 人-8 人

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