幾何学を楽しむ: 長方形と三角形の面積の計算入門
必要に応じて会議をスケジュールする30 分
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 3 - 5
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
During this class, children will learn how to calculate the area of a rectangle and how to write this using algebra rules. We will discuss much geometry vocabulary and children will have opportunities to share what they know by drawing on the screen. Using their understanding of finding the area of a rectangle (by measuring base and height and multiplying them together) I'll introduce the 'magic trick' of how to see how easy it is to calculate the area of a triangle. Children will need to have drawn and cut out some rectangles on paper or thin card, a ruler, pencil / pen and scissors. As the teacher, I will guide your child so that they will be able to join in the "trick" to see how it works with different sizes of rectangles. Together we will write some algebra formulas of how to find the area of a right-angled triangle. My side-kick Boris is very patient and children love learning with Boris and the characters he creates. (See image of Boris!) The class will involve lots of shape vocabulary which they may like to explore further (or join a future class with me) and design their own shape characters. I am happy to set up addition classes for your child to develop themes covered which they may like to work on more such as properties of shapes, pattern making and art with shapes, creating characters and naming shapes.
米国以外 教員免許 初等教育で
After graduating with a BA ed HONs in education and Technology at Reading University in England, I have been a primary teacher for 22 years in the UK and now a full-time tutor. I have worked for White Rose, using the approaches to enable children to have a deep understanding of new mathematical concepts by using equipment before creating pictorial representations alongside abstract models. I have been the maths lead in a number of schools to develop the subject and many teachers subject knowledge in my community. I have a passion for teaching mathematics and for making it fun and memorable to enable children to learn.
I taught abroad in Malaysia for 3 years, teaching children with a range of skills including english as a second language. I didn't need a TEFAL course due to my degree and experience teaching in England.
30 分
1 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 7-14