必須の Java: Java コーディングの 1 学期
11 週間の Java の旅に出発しましょう! 初心者に最適です。大学の入門コースで学ぶ内容がすべて揃っています。魅力的なチュートリアル、ノート、演習でトピックを学習します。構文をマスターし、堅牢なプログラムを作成します。Java の可能性を解き放ちます!
11 録画レッスン
11 週間
週あたり 1-2 時間. Each lesson will have an outside of class programming component. Students should work on and complete the assignment to the best of their ability. Since the class is self- paced, there is no due date.修了証書
英語レベル - B1
米国の学年 8 - 11
Beginner レベル向け
If you took my 7 week class, there will be an abridged version of this class offered with the additional weeks only! The first 7 weeks of this course are covered in "Code Crush". In this self - paced course, students will be introduced to the Java programming language. It will focus on using objects, logic, creating classes, and arrays. We will start with an introduction and, of course, the "Hello World" program. We will then move into using different classes and methods to help solve problems, move on to logic and looping, ending with creating classes and an introduction to arrays. This course covers more than a first semester programming college course. Students will have a video, created by me, explaining the material. Then they will be assigned differentiated practice where they will practice the skills introduced in the video. They will have access to my notes. I will be available to help students most of the day.
Students will understand Java syntax and be able to debug their code.
Students will know how to create an object and use methods.
11 レッスン
11 週間以上レッスン 1:
Introduction to Java
The first meeting pushes students right into the mix with two smaller lessons.
Lesson 0: What is Java? We will start by introducing the Java programming language and downloading a free and simple compiler to work with. We will create and compile our first program!
Lesson 1 Variables and Data Types: We will go over variables and how their types effect how we use them. We will go over how we name variables and use them.
A sheet of practice exercises and access to the notes will be included.
2 割り当て
レッスン 2:
Using Classes- The Scanner Class
In this lesson we will go over how to make an object and use its methods. We will use the keyword new and explain instantiation using the Scanner class as an example. We will then use its methods to take user input.
A sheet of practice exercises and access to the notes will be included.
1 割り当て
レッスン 3:
Using Classes- The Math and Random Classes
In this lesson we will use the Math class and the Random class. We will create a Random object and use it to find random numbers. We will use the static methods of the Math class and to find quantities like power and trigonometric functions.
A sheet of practice exercises and access to the notes will be included.
1 割り当て
レッスン 4:
Using Classes- The String Class
In this lesson we will look closely at the String class. We will use String methods to modify Strings, or words. We will look at the API, the Java documentation, to understand how provided methods work. We will also take a quick look at the DecimalFormat class.
A sheet of practice exercises and access to the notes will be included.
1 割り当て
I have been teaching AP Computer Science A in a public high school for almost 20 years. My students consistently score above the national and NJ average on the APCSA exam each year. Last year, we beat both by an entire point. This year I am teaching AP Computer Science Principles too.
I teach an array of programming classes from intro to programming to advanced data structures. This course is part of the introduction curriculum I made up for my district. I know Java, JavaScript, C# (Unity), HTML, css, Scratch (JavaScript), Google App Script, Kaboom!, and Python.