

この継続クラスでは、学習者は初めての DnD アドベンチャー キャンペーンを体験できます。初心者も経験豊富なプレイヤーも歓迎します。
Mikael Hellstrom, Ph.D.
Star Educator


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 2


Rumor has it that a dragon has come to the area around Icespire Peak. The locals are scared, they need help! You can be their hero!

This class is an excellent introduction to role-playing games for learners who have never tried the hobby before. More experienced learners are also welcome. Learners will need to have a level 1 character ready to play for this class. If they do not, I offer a different class "Dungeons and Dragons: Step One" for that.

Tabletop role-playing games is an amazing hobby. Dungeons and Dragons is the single biggest game and most popular one, by far. This class provides an introduction to adventuring in DnD. 

Role-playing games can be a gateway to so many amazing creative pursuits:
* Art - drawing ones characters.
* Creative writing - designing the backstory for the character.
* Math - using the rules often requires math skills
* History - learning about the history of the imaginary world often sparks an interest in real world history as well.
* Geography - players have to use maps during game-play and that can spark an interest for how geography matters in real life.
* Social studies - when we play, we create fictional societies, and understanding how a society functions is important to breathing life into fictional societies
* Mythology - a lot of the monsters and creatures of DnD are inspired by real life mythology.
* Team-work and problem-solving- Table-top roleplaying requires players to work together to create a story. Even if the characters in the game might not always get along, the players around the table always should and have to work out their differences so everyone can enjoy together.

I will introduce the learners to all these aspects of tabletop role-playing in this class.

The first week of this campaign, we make characters together. Level 1!

The second week, the learners will play heroes who arrive in the area of Icespire Peak and the small village of Phandalin. There, they will get to know the towns people and the challenges they face with this new threat, and they will get a chance to choose their first adventure!

The third week, they pursue their second quest. If they manage to finish it, the heroes will probably level up again!

The fourth week, more challenging adventures await them, and so we can continue until they have solved all the problems confronting the denizens of Phandalin. Maybe they will even see a dragon before the end?


参加しました March, 2021
Star Educator
博士号 University of Albertaから
I teach social studies and role-playing games. I have 35 years of experience as a Game-master of table-top roleplaying games and Live-Action Roleplay organizer and facilitator for people of ages 7+. I used that experience in my teaching, pioneering the use of games and simulations to help my students understand government, economics and social and cultural processes. 

My key principle for teaching is that students learn by doing and experiencing the subject matter. Students in my classes can thus expect a lot of playing games, regardless of content, because it is fun but also because we learn better together that way.

When I'm not teaching I...play more games because...let's face it, I'm a big geek.




120 分

2 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 12-17
クラス人数: 3 人-6 人

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