8 ライブミーティング
7 時間 20 分 授業時間テスト
Assessment will be verbal, informal assessment. I can give formal written assessment to parents if requested.この文章は自動翻訳されています
Students will learn how to program a virtual VEX robot to move through various virtual "playgrounds" using a programming interface based on Scratch (no previous Scratch knowledge necessary). Class Syllabus: Week 1 & 2 - Introduction & Moving Your Robot: This week will have a general introduction to the website and the programming tools. Students will learn how to move the robot forward, backwards, right and left, and how to sequence these commands to meet the goal of knocking all the Castle Crasher pieces off the table. Week 3 & 4 - Repeating Behaviors & Navigating a Maze: Students will learn how to use repeat loops and the pen tool to create a drawing as their robot drives on the playground. For the next lesson, student will use the robot's sensor input to program the robot to navigate a maze using the Bumper Switch. Week 5 & 6 - Knowing Your Location & Decisions with Colors: Learners will program the robots using the front and down distance sensor "eyes" to navigate a virtual playground. Programming will incorporate the Drivetrain, Sensing and Control coding blocks. Students will use the color sensor combined with conditional programming statements ("If/Else", etc.) to navigate a maze. Week 7 & 8 - Disk Mover Challenge & Algorithms: Students use the Electromagnet on the robot to find and pickup disks to transport using the loop programming skills they have previously learned. We will take a look at how to develop algorithms and explore bonus material and address student-directed learning for our final session. For each class, the teacher will introduce the lesson, and then model it using screen sharing. Students can work along as the teacher demonstrates and will be encouraged to screen share to ask for help and show their progress. Students will be encouraged to help one another problem solve and troubleshoot their code. My teaching style is structured, but also informal and flexible. Lectures will be short (less than 5 minutes). I will expect students to listen and watch during the demo part, but will encourage them to ask questions or to share their ideas and solutions as we go over the basic lesson. This is very much a hands-on "watch and try" format. I have extensive experience working with all types of learners and my classes are autism/ADHD/LD-friendly and open to all learners. There is very minimal reading involved, so this is an ideal class for students with reading challenges. Students will need to know how to screen share and resize program windows (I can help!). They will also need to know how to type in a URL to get to the site we will be using and how to click and drag-and-drop on their device. This programming website works on many platforms: Windows, Mac, Chromebook, iPad or Android tablet.
Students will learn basic block-based coding skills to navigate a virtual robot through different courses or "playgrounds". Skills learned include basic movement, loops and conditionals, using robotic sensor inputs.
8 レッスン
8 週間以上レッスン 1:
Introduction & Moving Your Robot
This week will have a general introduction to the website and the programming tools. Students will learn how to move the robot forward, backwards, right and left, and how to sequence these commands to meet the goal of knocking all the Castle Crasher pieces off the table.
55 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Introduction & Moving Your Robot
This week will have a general introduction to the website and the programming tools. Students will learn how to move the robot forward, backwards, right and left, and how to sequence these commands to meet the goal of knocking all the Castle Crasher pieces off the table.
55 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Repeating Behaviors & Navigating a Maze
Students will learn how to use repeat loops and the pen tool to create a drawing as their robot drives on the playground. For the next lesson, student will use the robot's sensor input to program the robot to navigate a maze using the Bumper Switch.
55 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Repeating Behaviors & Navigating a Maze
Students will learn how to use repeat loops and the pen tool to create a drawing as their robot drives on the playground. For the next lesson, student will use the robot's sensor input to program the robot to navigate a maze using the Bumper Switch.
55 分のオンラインライブレッスン
Students will use the https://vr.vex.com website to complete the projects in this class. No account creation is required.
An internet-connected device running Windows or Mac OS, Chromebook, iPad or Android tablet. It is VERY helpful if students are accessing the site on a computer logged into the class session via Zoom so that they can screen share their work. Students are welcome to log in with more than one device so they can follow along with the demonstration on one device and do the programming on another (just mute the sound and microphone on one of the devices so that there are not feedback issues).
We will be using this website: https://vr.vex.com and other educational materials from https://www.vexrobotics.com.
2 教員免許
テキサス州 教員免許 特別教育で
インディアナ 教員免許
2 学位
修士号 Wilkes Universityから 教育 へ
学士号 Ball State Universityから
I am a Certified Robotics Instructor (VEX Robotics). I have taught VEX robotics programming since 2013 to students in public and private school settings and online since 2018.
I have 5 public school teaching certifications/licenses:
Technology Education. Grades 6-12. Expires 7/31/2023 (Texas)
Technology Applications. Grades EC-12. Expires 7/31/2023 (Texas)
Special Education. Grades EC-12. Expires 7/31/2023 (Texas)
Computer Education. REPA 3, Grades 5-12. Expires 9/10/2023
Technology Education. REPA 3, Grades 5-12. Expires 9/10/2023
Wilkes University - Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
M.S.Ed. Instructional Media. January 2013.
Texas A&M University - Commerce, Texas
Technology Applications EC-12 teaching certification preparation;
SPED – 15 hours; Ed. Tech. – 20 hours. May 2012.
Ball State University - Muncie, Indiana
B.A. Journalism. Minors in Spanish and Classical Culture. July 1985.
毎週週に1回、 8 週間
55 分
35 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-14
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人