
素晴らしいブラキオサウルス: 2 年生向けの恐竜をテーマにした数学クラブ

2 年生から 3 年生向けに設計された、恐竜をテーマにした継続的な数学クラブ。このコースでは、3 桁の位取り、掛け算、割り算、分数、グラフ作成などを学習します。
Olivia R.


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 25 分


Calling all explorers and dinosaur enthusiasts! This is an ongoing dinosaur-themed math club that meets weekly to tackle Second Grade math standards. Each week we will focus on and review the math standards listed below. Concepts will be reviewed continuously so students can join the club anytime. 

Each class will have a "Bonus" section in case we move through the material faster than expected. If we do not cover this section during class, students can finish it on their own after class (but aren't required to). The last 3-5 minutes of class are reserved for show-and-tell. Students are encouraged to bring dinosaur-related items (or anything they would like) to share with the class. 

Session topics will be planned in advance but may fluctuate based on the student's interests and understanding. Below is an outline for the first 5 weeks of this ongoing course. 

Week of 8/29/22:
-Place value up to 1,000

Week of 9/5/22:
- 3-digit addition without regrouping
- 3-digit addition with regrouping

Week of 9/12/22:
- 3-digit subtraction without regrouping
- 3-digit subtraction with regrouping

Week of 9/19/22:
- Multiplication using repeat addition
- Multiplication using arrays

Week of 9/26/22:
- Division using repeat subtraction
- Division using arrays

Week of 10/3/22:
-Division and Multiplication practice

Week of 10/10/22:
-Order of operations
-Multiplication using addition
-Multiplying 10s

Week of 10/17/22:
Subtracting whole 10s
-Division using subtraction
-Subtracting whole 10s
-Write the missing value

Week of 10/24/22:
-Skip counting
-Rounding to nearest 100
-Rounding to nearest 10

Week of 10/31/22:
-Write the fraction
-Color the equivalent fraction 

Week of 11/7/22: BREAK

Week of 11/14/22:

2nd Grade math standards to be covered:
-Fluently add and subtract within 20
-Understand multiplication basics
-Understand division basics
-Read and write numbers up to 1000
-Add and subtract within 1000
-Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m.
-Represent and interpret data

This club will be very interactive. I will utilize colorful slides/visuals to explain each concept. Students will be encouraged to give input, ask questions, and provide answers throughout the lesson. If a student is confused about a particular concept or problem, I will utilize Zoom's whiteboard feature to break down the problem into simpler steps.


-Know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers

-Use skip counting to solve multiplication and division problems

-Compare numbers up to 1000

-Be able to read an analog clock

-Understand and interpret line, bar, and picture graphs


Students will need writing utensils during class. Students will need access to a printer for PDF activities sent in advance. Students are encouraged to bring dinosaur-related items for show-and-tell at the end of class.  

If you are unable to see the printout on the class page, please reach out prior to class. I look forward to meeting you soon!
参加しました January, 2021
Hi, I'm Olivia! 

I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Arizona State University. I maintained a 4.0 while pursuing my B.S.E and graduated summa cum laude. I have a great love for mathematics and enjoy assisting others to find their passion for it as well. My background in electrical engineering has given me extensive experience in a large variety of mathematics courses. 

Personal statement:
Whether I'm teaching a class of first-graders or a teenage student in their final years of high school, I strive to make learning accessible, enjoyable, and fun. I've led young students in math classes as dinosaur hunters, princesses, and wizards, complete with costumes. For students at more advanced levels, I break down even the toughest subjects to ensure comprehension (although costumes are not required).

Subjects I teach:
I have worked with a variety of mathematics subjects. These include elementary school mathematics, pre-algebra, algebra 1, algebra 2, trigonometry, pre-calculus, calculus, and finite mathematics.

Ages I work with:
I have experience with all age groups. I have taught kindergarteners and first-graders while in costume and college students working through their mathematics requirements.

My teaching style:
I'm an energetic and engaged teacher. I've taught students with varying comprehension and confidence levels, from eager kindergartners to college students struggling to get through their required classes. No matter where they're starting, I work with students to identify areas that need to be mastered while building confidence along the way. I've worked with children with learning disabilities, autistic children, advanced and gifted children, college students, adult learners, and more. For me, the most rewarding part of being a teacher is experiencing the moment when a concept “clicks” for a student.

Hobbies and interests:
* Traveling—I’ve visited ten different countries, and my favorite so far is Italy

* Cooking and baking—my Thanksgiving gravy and bruschetta recipes are family legends

* Horseback riding—I have two Arabian horses named Aria and Adonis

Please feel free to contact me if you’re interested in any alternative times or dates for any of my classes. I hope to see your child in my classroom soon!





25 分
4 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 6-8
クラス人数: 3 人-8 人

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