
ティーンズブッククラブのための本: パーシー・ジャクソンと謎の怪物

このコースでは、学生に『パーシー・ジャクソンとオリンポスの神々 第一巻: 稲妻の泥棒』を読む機会が与えられます。これは、冒険、神話、そして失読症と ADHD を併せ持つヒーローを組み合わせた楽しい小説です。このクラスは、ADHD、失読症、書字障害、その他の学習障害を持つ学生が参加できるように設計されています。
Bridget Smith M.Ed.
Rising Star


6 ライブミーティング
4 時間 30 分 授業時間


This class is for all teens including teens with learning differences who need low reading level high interest books to develop reading fluency and comprehension.  In "Percy Jackson and the Olympians Book 1: The Lighting Thief" by Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson, a kid with ADHD and other learning differences battles bullies and monsters as he works to discover his place in the world.  Students will respond to what they read using graphic organizers and class discussion to support writing development and comprehension.  Throughout the class, students will also have the opportunity to reflect on their own lives, challenges, and successes.

Session 1:  School and Family Life

Intro question:  Who are your people?

Launching the book: The teacher will read the first four chapters of The Lightning Thief.  

In class activity: Students will make and share a graphic organizer comparing their own school and home lives with that of Percy Jackson.

HW: Read Chapters 5, 6,7, and 8  and do a short reading response sheet

Session 2:  Dyslexia and ADHD Gift or Challenge?

Intro question:  What comes easily for you?  What is challenging for you?

Discussion: How does Annabeth interpret Percy's Dyslexia and ADHD symptoms on page 85-86?  What does her interpretation mean to you?

In class activity: What are your gifts?  What are your challenges?  How can you re-interpret your challenges as gifts?  Use a graphic organizer to record your thoughts.

HW: Read Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12  and do a short reading response sheet

Session 3:   Friendship and Gifts

Intro question:  What is a great gift that you have received?

Discussion: Who are Percy's friends at Camp Half-blood?  What gifts do they give him?  What is the Oracle's prophecy?  What do you think it means? How do Annabeth, Percy, and Grover take care of each other as they begin their journey?

In class activity: Make a graphic that explains the gifts that are given and received in between the characters in the book so far. Which gift do you think is most important and why?  

HW: Read Chapters 13,14, 15, 16  and do a short reading response sheet.

Session 4:  Getting Sidetracked

Intro question: What are some things that get you sidetracked?
Discussion: How do Percy and his friends get sidetracked? How do they get back on track?

In class activity:  Create an illustration for a graphic novel version of this section.

HW: Read Chapters   17, 18,19 and do a short reading response sheet.

Session 5: Follow Your Heart

Intro question:  What was a time when you "followed your heart"?

Discussion: Does Percy follow his heart in his encounter with Hades?  Does he make the right decision?  Why or why not?  Who set Percy up?

In class activity: Draw or create a written description of a character who lives in Hades or a region of Hades.

HW: Read Chapters   20, 21, 22  and do a short reading response sheet.

Session 6: Family Ties

Intro question:  How does your family support you?  What do you find challenging about being part of a family?

Discussion: Describe the relationships between parents and children in this section of the book. Did Percy and Annabeth make the right decision to go home to their human families?  Why or why not?

In Class Activity: Write a letter from Percy, Anabelle, or Grover to Chiron about what happens during their time away from Camp Half Blood.


Students will gain fluency and comprehension by reading and discussing the novel.  Students will practice organizing and communicating their ideas using graphic organizers, creative writing, and other strategies.


This book refers to ADHD, dyslexia, and other learning differences. References in the book should be OK for teen learners but if you wish to learn more consult the Common Sense Media review. https://www.commonsensemedia.org/book-reviews/the-lightning-thief-percy-jackson-and-the-olympians-book-1
Percy Jackson and The Olympians: Book 1  The Lightening Thief by Rick Riordan is required for this class.  Students may use e-books, hardcopy and paperbacks, or audiobooks to read and comprehend the text.

Handouts will be uploaded in into the Outschool classroom before many sessions.

Paper, markers or colored pencils, and pens or pencils are great to have on hand for class activities.
Percy Jackson and The Olympians: Book 1 The Lightening Thief by Rick Riordan is required for this class. Students may use e-books, hardcopy and paperbacks, or audiobooks to read and comprehend the text.
参加しました June, 2020
Rising Star
カリフォルニア 教員免許 英語/国語で
カリフォルニア 教員免許 初等教育で
修士号 University of California, Santa Cruzから 教育 へ
Bridget Smith is a teacher and parent with ADHD.  Her focus on Outschool is supporting students with ADHD, other neurodiverse learners, and  students with learning differences.  She has taught over 1000 learners, including  neurodiverse teens, with ADHD and other learning differences here on Outschool.  She is a credentialed teacher who has taught preschoolers through adult learners.  Bridget is credentialed by the State of California to teach K-12 Students.




6 クラス分

週に3回、 2 週間
45 分
2 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 12-16
クラス人数: 3 人-12 人

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