
初心者向けプライベート ASL レッスン (35 分)

このプライベート ASL レッスンでは、初心者レベルの生徒が新しい語彙、文の構造、文法を学び、会話の練習をするための個別指導を受けます。(このクラスは包括的で、自閉症や ADHD に配慮しています。)
Bilingual Bridges


35 分


英語レベル - 不明
Beginner レベル向け
*This class is available to beginner level learners. It is inclusive, autism, special education, and ESL friendly.*

As experienced, certified ASL teachers, our team takes great pride in developing personalized, high quality ASL lessons that meet the needs, goals, and interests of each learner. Prior to this class, your teacher will contact you to discuss your learner's specific goals, strengths, challenges, and interests. 

The lesson will be taught within the context of topics that are of high interest to your learner, which will inspire engagement and excitement about American Sign Language. The teacher will incorporate a variety of interactive activities to introduce new concepts and motivate your learner to confidently communicate in ASL. Some areas that can be focused on are: vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, fingerspelling, alphabet, facial expressions, palm orientation, movement, and hand shape.Whether you would like your learner to review and solidify previously taught ASL skills, or participate in enrichment focused ASL language activities, we can help! 

Don't see a time that fits your schedule? Prefer longer classes? We have a variety of classes available, so please check our course page, or simply send us a message! We look forward to working with your family.
Students will improve their American Sign Language skills based on their individual needs and goals.


参加しました December, 2020
米国以外 教員免許 外国語で
Giulia Bormolini
米国以外 教員免許 英語/国語で
Arpitha Kadiyam
ノースカロライナ州 教員免許 初等教育で
Sophie Minieri
ニューヨーク 教員免許 初等教育で
Martin Orrego
テキサス 教員免許 初等教育で
Martha Robles
テキサス 教員免許 初等教育で
Marynia Rivera
米国以外 教員免許 外国語で
Ulises Alvarez-Flores
修士号 Amity University, Indiaから 英語 へ
Arpitha Kadiyam
修士号 UNEDから 教育 へ
Maria Menendez
修士号 Queens Collegeから 初等教育 へ
Martin Orrego
修士号 Inter American University Of Puerto Ricoから 初等教育 へ
Marynia Rivera
学士号 University of Lethbridgeから 外国語 へ
Kimberly Knapp
学士号 Amity University, Indiaから 英語言語と文学 へ
Arpitha Kadiyam
学士号 I.S.P.E.I Sara C Ecclestonから 教育 へ
Sophie Minieri
学士号 University of Oviedo (Spain)から 初等教育 へ
Maria Menendez
学士号 Queens Community Collegeから 教育 へ
Martin Orrego
学士号 Universidad de Colimaから 外国語 へ
Ulises Alvarez-Flores
My name is Mark and I teach ESL, American Sign Language, literacy, and Business English to all ages. I have taught for over 12 years in public and private schools here in the state of Maine, as well as the past five years online. 

I hold an MBA in Business Administration, BS in Marketing/Management, BS in Early Childhood Education, and teaching licenses for K-12 Special Education in the state of Maine. I also am a certified Special Olympics coach and have been a Little League, YMCA basketball, and Boy Scout volunteer for the past 15 years.

My approach to teaching is student-centered, interactive, humorous, with a focus of long-term growth. I want my students to feel like each lesson is engaging, different, and a new experience for them. My background as an executive manager coupled with managing and leading thousands of employees, has helped me understand where students are now and what the best approach is to lead them to their goals. 

A random fact about me is that my grandmother taught in a one room schoolhouse here in rural Maine (included in her class were her six younger brothers).  She has been my inspiration to create that type of atmosphere in my brick and mortar and online classrooms.

We'll be a great fit if you are willing to try your best, understand that mistakes are an important part of learning, and apply your learning outside of the classroom. This is our classroom and I want you to be a partner in what our lessons look and feel like!

** Mabel**
I teach American Sign Language (ASL) o Deaf/Hard-of-hearing students whose second language is English, ages 7-17. I have been teaching for 24 years. I hold a Ph.D. in Educational Education with Specialization in Technology, a Master's in Literacy & Reading, Bachelors in Deaf Education (K-12), Physical Education/Health (K-12), Dance (K-12), American Sign Language Interpreter, and American Sign Language Endorsement (K-12).

My approach to teaching is to remain with a teachable heart. Remaining with a teachable heart begins with humility. It begins with realizing that we're are not perfect and need each other. We as teachers are here to help by meeting the student where they are and differentiating the instruction to their needs.

What got me into teaching was wanting to help others learn wherever I can. I fell into teaching when I was in high school, helping a fellow classmate who did not understand something the material, and I was able to help him.

A random fact about me is I love Marvel heroes/heroines, anything ASL, and I could crochet all day and be very content. We'll be a great fit if we simply take one moment at a time, stay calm, take responsibility for our actions/learning, and have fun learning!




35 分

29 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 5-16

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