6 録画レッスン
6 週間
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***I'm a new teacher here. Enjoy $10 off with promo code KEEGAKBA8Z10 thru 2/20/25. Thank you!*** Prepare to level up! Strategies for understanding and battling anxiety through the lens of a video game are taught in this 6-week, self-paced class. Battling anxiety can feel scary and overwhelming, but video game lovers know that the hero always steps up to the challenge. Viewing fear by understanding it's dynamic and forward-propelling factor in a game, helps learners understand their own anxiety and stress in what can sometimes be a world filled with "monsters" at every turn. As a video game enthusiast myself, I'm passionate and enthusiastic, and you can expect a vibrant, playful class full of fun. I'm also a visual learner with a love for video editing so this video class is sure to grab the attention of even reluctant learners. ***Please notice the Parental Guidance Section for this class*** CLASS STRUCTURE: - six-week, self-paced class - 1 assignment each week WHAT YOU NEED? - Nothing except a piece of paper and a writing utensil (or, if you prefer, a computer) to take notes and work on assignments DISCLAIMER: This class is designed as an overall, engaging and fun lecture series to help learners reduce anxiety. It is not designed to target any specific medical needs and does not replace therapy or medication.
Anxiety doesn't need to be a scary monster. We can learn how fear can be an indicator of us pushing past our comfort zones.
Our body's physical reaction associated with anxiety is just it trying to protect us. There are many ways that we can fight the anxiety "boss" and come out on top.
6 レッスン
6 週間以上レッスン 1:
Anxiety In Your Video Game World
This lesson normalizes anxiety. Life is like a video game. Things are going to trip you up or be scary sometimes. We discuss how anxiety is your body's response to triggers.
1 割り当て
10 分のビデオレッスン
レッスン 2:
Zombies Are Good? How Fear May Be A Sign You're Headed In The Right Direction
This lesson discusses the appearance of "monsters" in video games and how it is similar to the appearance of anxiety in every day life. The goal of this lesson is to shift the mindset from one of fear to one of an understanding that fear is going to be present and may be a good sign that you're pushing past your own comfort limits.
1 割り当て
10 分のビデオレッスン
レッスン 3:
Fighting the Boss, Part 1
In this lesson, we get into the meat of how to battle anxiety and the importance of taking care of yourself. This lesson is split into two parts.
1 割り当て
13 分のビデオレッスン
レッスン 4:
Fighting the Boss, Part 2
This lesson is a continuation of the one above.
1 割り当て
14 分のビデオレッスン
This is a class that relates boss battles in video games to anxiety. Some imagery (monsters and video game characters carrying weapons) may be scary to younger learners.
学士号 Mount Saint Mary's Universityから ビジネス/商取引 へ
As someone who struggled with anxiety for most of my life and a lover of all things video games...creating this class just made sense. I'm the author of over 50 books including a multitude of self-help books, one of my most popular being 'Kick Anxiety In The Teeth'. After tackling my anxiety head-on, I can proudly say that I've bested the beast. In this class, I use video game language and understanding to make the battle more approachable & less threatening. Everything is less scary when you understand it. I look forward to helping learners of all ages drop kick their fears and win the game of life.
毎週6 録画済みレッスン
6 間の講師サポート
コンテンツへの 1 年間のアクセス
年齢: 11-18