生徒は 5 から 11、1 から 12 までの掛け算の計算を学習します。4 つのクラスで数学の計算に取り組む時間を設け、計算機やコンピューターを使わずにこれらの計算方法も学習します。毎週フィードバックが届きます。
4 ライブミーティング
2 時間 40 分 授業時間課題
週1時間. 含まれる進捗レポート
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 4 - 6
Beginner レベル向け
Multiplication will be the topic for this class meeting it will focus on the 5 - 11 tables 1-12. It is important that each student understand that this is their opportunity to catch up on the skills needed to function in every math class for the rest of their educational career. Each class will end with a quiz and feedback to the student and parent within 24 hours.
Student will learn how to use many methods to achieve the task of mastering multiplication fact as well as being able to reverse and check their answers. Goals for each is each student able to show a mastery level of at least 70%, and 75% end of Course.
Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠標準
State-Specific Standards に準拠4 レッスン
4 週間以上レッスン 1:
Number group 5 and 6, 1-12
We'll begin working on multiplication facts groups 5 and 6 numbers 1 through 12. By the end of the day students will have taken a quiz and feedback will be provided within 24 hours. During class time students will be taught how to use methods to check their answers and work on completion speed and accuracy.
40 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Number group 7 and 8, 1-12
Today we will work on number groups 7 and 8:00 numbers 1 through 12. A quiz will be given at the end of the day to determine progress during the last two classes. Once again feedback will be given in 24 hours.
40 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Number Group 7, 8 and 9, 1-12
Class activities today will include groups 7 8 and 9 numbers through 1 through 12. We will work on these number groups and once again at the end of the class there will be a quiz.
40 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Review and Quiz
The final week of class will be a review of number groups 6 through 9. At the end of the class each student will take a final evaluation or a test. Parents and students will receive feedback within 24 hours after the class is over.
40 分のオンラインライブレッスン
The content for this class will be teacher generated on computer. Nothing that would be violent or questionable.
Teacher generated
毎週週に1回、 4 週間
40 分
年齢: 10-13
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人