10 ライブミーティング
9 時間 10 分 授業時間この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
Intermediate レベル向け
In this class, students will learn about Arduino sensors, how to connect them, how to read them, and how to use the information to control LEDs. They will learn important coding for flow control, such as if/else statements and while statements. Students will follow along with the lessons to learn the syntax of the Arduino coding language using actual Arduinos or the online simulation program, TinkerCad. After learning the lesson, students will be presented with small coding challenges where they can try out their new skills. IMPORTANT: Students taking this class should have either taken my previous Arduino Coding Part 1 class, or have some Arduino coding experience. If you are using an actual Arduino, you will need to have access to a computer and not just a chromebook or tablet because the Arduino IDE does NOT work on those devices. NOTE: This class will meet twice a week for five weeks or once a week for 10 weeks - please check the dates before you enroll. Sunday classes meet only once a week. Below is a syllabus for the class: Class 1: What are sensors? - Purpose and types of sensors (photoresistor, thermistor, ultrasonic sensor, motion sensor, etc) - Electrical Properties: Voltage, Current and Resistance, Voltage Dividers - Using a Photoresistor and a thermistor - analogRead command to read sensors and displaying values Class 2: Using an Ultrasonic Sensor - How to it works and how to connect - How to write/read code - compound “if” and “while” statements using && and || Class 3: Digital Sensors - PIR (motion sensor), hall sensor, digital tilt sensor, soil moisture) Class 4: Various analog sensors - Wiring and coding for devices such as water level, analog tilt sensor, sound sensor, hall sensor, capacitive touch) Class 5: Joystick Class 6: DHT-11 (digital humidity and temperature) Class 7: Remote Control Class 8: Keypad Class 9: RTC (real time clock) Class 10: RFID reader
Students will learn about digital and analog sensors, how to wire them to the Arduino, how to read and save values obtained by the sensors, and how to control the flow of an Arduino sketch using if/else and while statements.
Student should have taken my Part 1 class or at least have basic knowledge of the Arduino and some simple coding skills, such as knowing how to turn on and off LEDs. Students should also know how to use a breadboard to write LEDS.
Students need to either have an account with www.autocad.com to use the free TinkerCad circuit simulator or download the free Arduino IDE from www.arduino.cc. TinkerCad does NOT all the devices we will be learning about, however. You can buy the components separately, but it would be more expensive than buying a kit that has all the parts you need and more. Either of these kits would be more than sufficient for this class. There are larger kits with more components, but they are not necessary for this class. Recommended Devices/kits if you are purchasing components separately: Arduino Uno (or clone) with USB cable solderless breadboard 3 different color LEDs 3 1000-ohm resistors 3 220-ohm resistors 1-3 pushbuttons 1-3 potentiometers 1 servo motor 1 ultrasonic sensor 1 passive piezo buzzer 1 joystick 1 keypad 1 PIR motion sensor 1 sound sensor 1 RFID sensor and chip 1 tilt sensor 1 remote control with IR receiver 1 water level sensor 1 DHT-11 module (digital humidity and temperature) various other sensors may include: magnetic hall sensor, capacitive touch, rain sensor Many male-male jumper wires of different colors Many male-female jumper wires of different colors Recommended kit: https://www.amazon.com/EL-KIT-001-Project-Complete-Starter-Tutorial/dp/B01CZTLHGE/ref=asc_df_B01CZTLHGE/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=241907595991&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8544331822937541734&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9015321&hvtargid=pla-464156272733&psc=1
We will be using the website, www.tinkercad.com, in order to simulate the Arduino circuits and coding. If students will be using their own Arduinos, they can use the Arduino IDE program that can be downloaded from www.arduino.cc.
オハイオ州 教員免許 中等教育で
2 学位
修士号 Case Western Reserve Universityから 科学 へ
学士号 Stern College for Women Yeshiva Universityから 科学 へ
I have been teaching Arduino coding for 5 years to middle and high school students. I created and coded many of own Arduino projects and guided over 100 students as they created and built their own Arduino inventions.
10 クラス分週に2回、 5 週間
55 分
51 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-17
クラス人数: 2 人-10 人