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Writing With Flat Frederick

In this class, students will make a no-sew Flat Frederick and keep a journal about their adventures together!
Bonnie Schweinsberg
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What's included

2 live meetings
1 in-class hours

Class Experience

We will begin our first class meeting with a brief discussion about different activities students can enjoy with Flat Frederick.  Next, we will start the process of creating our new froggy friend. The teacher will explain the directions and check for understanding, while the students follow step by step instructions.  Once Flat Frederick is put together, we will discuss how to use our journals and the expectations for the week.  Students will take Flat Frederick with them for various activities and outings, such as holiday celebrations, errands with parents, playing in the backyard, riding a bike, playing in the house, dinner time, watching TV, etc.  Each day during their time together, students will write about and illustrate or photograph the activities in their journals; six to seven entries total.  When we return for our second class meeting, we'll have fun sharing our stories, illustrations and/or photographs, and enjoy talking about our adventures with Flat Frederick!

Learning Goals

Students will have fun creating a froggy friend made of felt OR paper and demonstrate the ability to follow directions.  Students will use creativity to plan activities for Flat Frederick and practice expository writing as they record six to seven daily events in their journals.
learning goal

Other Details

Parental Guidance
Learners should be able to use scissors safely to cut felt or paper, depending on which they choose to use. In addition, students should know how to hold the pattern steadily while tracing. Parents may want to be near during the lesson to help, or you may want to trace and cut ahead of time. Note: If your learner chooses to make Flat Frederick out of paper, they will not need to trace anything.
Supply List
Journal pages and *cover provided to print and staple 
*Frog pattern and written directions provided to print on card stock or paper
- Materials List for FELT frog -
fabric pencil, pen or sharpie marker to trace frog pattern
1 piece of green felt (9" x 12") 
1 small scrap of red or pink felt for mouth
2 googly eyes (0.5" size) or anything else you want to use as eyes
Aleene's Tacky Glue or other fabric glue
fabric scissors or pinking shears 
(optional) straight pins or tape to hold pattern still 
crayons, markers, or colored pencils to color journal cover 

- Materials List for PAPER frog -
Pattern uploaded to print on colored paper OR white paper for student to color
2 googly eyes (0.5" size) or eyes can be drawn in
Elmer's or other school glue
crayons, markers, or colored pencils to color journal cover and frog

*Please do not share copies of my frog pattern design or my journal cover without my written permission.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined April, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
As a first grade teacher, I used this writing prompt idea with my students. Our "classroom pet" was a rubber frog named Frederick. On the weekends, learners took him home for an adventure, and then wrote and illustrated about their activities. This technique was very successful, because the students were excited about spending time with our pretend pet and friend.  They were motivated to write about their adventures, and they were happy to read their stories to the class!


Live Group Class


for 2 classes

1x per week, 2 weeks
30 min
Completed by 1 learner
Live video meetings
Ages: 7-9
1-2 learners per class

This class is no longer offered
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