The Stage Is Yours! 6 Week Long Theater Acting Lessons for Beginners (Part 1)
What's included
6 live meetings
4 in-class hoursMastery Evaluation
Performances of different monologuesClass Experience
Beginner Level
FLEX class version: 🎭 A B O U T T H E C L A S S 🎭 -This class will allow for learners to learn the basics of acting and have fun doing it! -This class is required before taking the Intermediate Acting Class. - Students from my 1:1 acting lessons are welcome to join this class, however some information might be repetitive. 🎭 C O U R S E O U T L I N E 🎭 -During each class, I will go over specific topics and allow for time for the learner to ask questions and perform. We start every class with a body, voice, and face warm up, fun game, and "get to know you" questions before diving into acting practice! 🎭 S C H E D U L E 🎭 -Week 1: We will discuss the basics of stage presence. This includes facial expressions, using our voice, using our body, and reading with expression. -Week 2: We will discuss strategies for getting into character and connecting with difficult characters by analyzing popular shows. -Week 3: We will discuss methods to reading scripts and practice different scenes together. -Week 4: We will discuss the process of reading monologues and practice a couple well-known monologues from movies. -Week 5: We will perform different monologues and discuss the process of memorization and auditions. -Week 6: Students will vote on if they would rather learn technical basics like costumes, scenic design, etc or basic musical theater. 🎭 C R E D E N T I A L S 🎭 -Degree in Theatre Arts and Education -Two years experience in a classroom setting -Directed shows for different ages -Performed in multiple shows with experience in singing, dancing, and technical design We are going to have a blast learning about the basics of acting. See you in class!
Learning Goals
Students will improve on their skills in stage presence, getting into character, performing scenes and monologues, and the basics of technical and musical theater.
6 Lessons
over 6 WeeksLesson 1:
Stage Presence 101
We will discuss the basics of stage presence. This includes facial expressions, using our voice, using our body, and reading with expression. This allows for learners to understand the basics of stage performing.
40 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
Getting Into Character
We will discuss strategies for getting into character and connecting with difficult characters by analyzing our favorite shows/movies. I will give an example of how I would break this process down and give myself permission to become somebody else for the scene.
40 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
Intro to Script Reading
We will discuss methods to reading scripts and practice different monologues, including practicing multiple kinds of characters, including a villain!
40 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
Intro to Improvisation
We will learn the basics of improv acting and discuss the rules. Students will have the chance to practice different scenes with the ability to become their own characters!
40 mins online live lesson
Other Details
Parental Guidance
We will be practicing scenes and monologues from popular movies that may have to do with relationships, death, and popularity.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Teacher expertise and credentials
2 Degrees
Bachelor's Degree in Music or Theatre or Arts from Hastings College
Bachelor's Degree in Education from Hastings College
🎭 C R E D E N T I A L S 🎭
-Degree in Theatre Arts and Education
-Two years experience in a classroom setting
-Directed shows for different ages
-Performed in multiple shows with experience in singing, dancing, and technical design
Live Group Course
weekly1x per week, 6 weeks
40 min
Completed by 21 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 11-16
1-8 learners per class
Financial Assistance
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