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The Nature of Pokemon: The Real Animals Behind the Pokemon

In this ongoing class, students will be able to socialize and talk about their favorite pokemon and then learn about the real animals that inspired these cute critters.
Crystal Phelps
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What's included

1 live meeting
45 mins in-class hours per week

Class Experience

Learn about the real world animals and plants that inspired pokemon. Find out how your favorite pokemon compare with the real animals and plants. We are going to focus on the science and nature behind the pokemon and what cool things the real animals can do.

Each class will start with 10 minutes of discussion about our favorite pokemon, what games we play or shows we watch, and also our favorite animals. Next we will have 30 minutes of lecture and discussion about the pokemon and the nature related topics. The last five minutes will be for questions, sharing, or discussion, depending on the learner's interests. Students who attend multiple weeks can make a request for their favorite pokemon to be added to a future lesson.

We are going to start with Generation 1- Kanto Pokemon. July will bring us to Generation 2, Johto

Oct 7: Skarmory, Aipom, Gilgar
Oct 14: LAST CLASS! Heracross, Kingra, Sneasel Gen 2 wrap up

The only background knowledge learners need is some familiarity with pokemon, whether through games, tv show, cards, or movies.

Let's chat about pokemon and nature!

I will use google sides, a pokemon encyclopedia website called Bulbapedia, and relevant Youtube videos.

Other Details

External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined March, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
I'm new to pokemon, but I think they are so cool. The creator originally wanted to use them to connect kids with nature, and I want to dig into that connection. I started with Pokemon Go, and have started playing on the switch. My favorite pokemon are: Snorlax, Growlithe, and Venusaur.


Live Group Class



1x per week
45 min
Completed by 22 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 7-11
3-6 learners per class

This class is no longer offered
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