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The Edward Zaccaro Challenge Math Series: Perimeter and Circumference

This world renowned series develops mathematical and problem solving skills. Complex math concepts are explained in easy to understand language and engaging real-life application. This edition will explore perimeter & circumference.
Julie Oliver
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What's included

4 live meetings
3 in-class hours

Class Experience

With the permission of the author, I am thrilled to be able to bring this much loved curriculum to my online classroom. I have used this series for over a decade to enrich my gifted students, but it's a fantastic resource for any student looking to challenge and grow their mathematical and problem solving skills. Rather than rote practice, this series encourages learners to think, connects to fascinating topics, and challenges even the brightest students. Live sessions will meet twice per week in small groups. This class focuses on perimeter and circumference. Look for other classes in this series that cover Astronomy, Problem Solving, Algebra, Metrics, Decimals, Fractions, Areas, Volumes, Percents, Ratio and Proportion, Trigonometry, Probability, Statistics, Distance, Graphing, Acceleration and Calculus.
***Learners will need solid mathematical operations skills and be ready to solve for a variable to be successful in this class.***
Perimeter and Circumference Sequence- 
Class 1: Squares, Rectangles and Circles
Class 2: The Pythagorean Theorem
Class 3 Level 2 Word Problems
Class 4: Einstein Level Word Problems

Learning Goals

Students will learn to use the equations for perimeter and circumference and apply the skills to real-life situations. Students will also develop problem solving skills.
learning goal

Other Details

Parental Guidance
Hi parents, If your child gets bored with repetitive, rote practice of a math skill, this is the series for you. Skills are taught and reinforced and then we dive right into interesting and authentic application. Here's an example of an Einstein Level question from the Perimeter and Circumference class. "A tire with an 8 decimeter diameter has a 2 centimeter thick rubber edge which loses .00001 millimeters of rubber every time it rotates. If you want to replace the tire when half the rubber is gone, how many kilometers could you go before you need to replace the tire?"
Supply List
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Challenge Math by Edward Zaccaro Check out these reviews of this acclaimed curriculum! https://www.prufrock.com/Challenge-Math-Grades-3-9-P101.aspx https://www.amazon.com/Challenge-Elementary-Middle-School-Student/dp/0967991552 https://www.hickorygrovepress.com/product-page/challenge-math
Joined March, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
For eleven years, I was a public school teacher working with gifted and talented elementary and middle school students. I engaged students with this series every year and was always amazed at how students' interest and understanding of math grew through these lessons. More recently, I have been teaching on Outschool and have loved working with students from all over the world on Rubik's Cube, Philosophy and thinking skills. I am thrilled that Mr. Zaccaro has offered his support for this awesome addition to my offerings. 


Live Group Class


for 4 classes

2x per week, 2 weeks
45 min
Completed by 4 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 9-12
3-6 learners per class

This class is no longer offered
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