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Spanish Homework Help: Spanish Teacher Checks Your Homework (asynchronous)

Get a Spanish teacher to check your Spanish homework! Demystify those confusing Spanish grammar rules and have a real certified Spanish teacher in Mexico check your Spanish homework. Submit your work and get feedback via messages and video!
Señora Sarah
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What's included

1 pre-recorded lesson
1 week
of teacher support
1 year access
to the content
Mastery Evaluation
1 hour per week. I will give written feedback regarding the student's homework assignment, and video feedback if needed.

Class Experience

Beginner - Advanced Level
In this self-paced session, you get Spanish homework help from a certified, seasoned Spanish teacher.

Submit a photo of your Spanish homework in the virtual classroom once you sign up, along with any specific questions you may have. I'll give you support in the following ways:

📽️video responses to explain tough grammar points
✏️written corrections and notes
💬messages on the Outschool system

❌This class does NOT include any live video meetings with me.

🚨I will NOT just feed students the answers to their homework in this session. I will guide them to the correct answer, explain the rules, and adjust where needed.

Want another Spanish class with me? Check out my profile on Outschool for:
1️⃣1-on-1 live tutoring sessions
🏫group Spanish classes
💻other self-paced, full curriculum Spanish classes

PARENTS: check the parental guidance section for information regarding refunds, frequently asked questions, and other important points.

¡Nos vemos!

Learning Goals

The point of this class is to get specific feedback and guidance on one Spanish homework assignment.
learning goal


1 Lesson
over 1 Week
Lesson 1:
Spanish Homework Review and Help
 In this one session, your learner will submit a photo of one of their homework assignments that they are struggling with. I'll give written feedback to guide them to the right answers, and video responses as needed. 

Other Details

Parental Guidance
YOUTUBE Occasionally my classes include a very brief YouTube video. This is only in a class or two, but it adds to the class experience when I choose to use it. YouTube videos that I use are very short, usually under 2 minutes long. Students do not need a YouTube account and they do not need to sign into YouTube for me to use this feature in class. I will simply share a video that is embedded into the near pod material that is sourced from YouTube. This will be used only on the screen share and students do not need to sign into YouTube to use this feature. *********** GIMKIT, BLOOKET & CONJUGUEMOS I may use Gimkit, Blooket and Conjuguemos to send review games to students. These are websites that teachers use to create interactive review games. I will send a link to the specific game that the student can play, on their own time, in the Outschool virtual classroom. STUDENTS DO NOT NEED ACCOUNTS TO ACCESS THIS FEATURE. *********** QUIZLET I might use QUIZLET in class to make review flash cards for your child. This is a website that I use to create electronic flash cards for my students to review the vocabulary. If I use quizlet during a lesson, I will send a link in the virtual classroom on out school so that students can access the electronic flash cards. Students do not need a quizlet account in order to access this feature. *********** SKILLS REQUIRED Students need to be able to read to participate in this class. *************************** REFUND POLICY Each class type here on Outschool has different refund policies. Most (if not all) are refundable if you cancel within 24 hours of purchase. Some are also automatically refunded if you cancel up to 1 week before the class start time. There are many circumstances where a refund is up to the teacher's sole discretion. For example: -student technical or Zoom trouble that prevented them from joining class -last-minute requests for cancellation due to vacation or family outings -emergency situations, like a run to the hospital or a death in the family -a student gets sick and can't join us at the last minute Refunds are generally given for: -emergencies -student illness -death in the family -funerals -other special circumstances, at the teacher's discretion -family trips or vacations, if I am advised 1 week or more in advance (In this case you can cancel the class, and Outschool will automatically issue you a refund.) Refunds are generally not given for: -family vacation, if I am advised less than 1 week in advance -student technical issues -student internet problems -students arriving late to class -students missing class because they forgot -students or families mixing up the time because of daylight savings or a time difference between their region and the class listing Please note that these are my general policies, and each situation will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Abuse of the refund policy may result in refusal of refund that I would generally issue. ************************ CLASS RESCHEDULING POLICY If I am at fault for class not taking place on time, I will offer to reschedule the lesson at no charge to the family. If the student is at fault due to technical issues, vacation, emergencies, etc, I may offer to reschedule the lesson on a case-by-case basis. I generally do not reschedule due to student internet problems, but I may do so if students rarely have this problem and do not abuse my refund policy. AI DISCLAIMER I do use AI (like ChatGPT) to help me produce and organize some class materials faster for you. Please note that I carefully check any suggestions or materials that AI gives me for accuracy and quality before giving it to my students. ChatGPT has mostly helped me with routine tasks, like organizing vocab lists and giving me ideas for content. Without this tool, I wouldn't be able to bring so much quality class content to you. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1) Can I/my child get official school credit for this course? That depends completely on your school or district. Outschool doesn't officially confer school credit for its courses, but you can reach out to your school district directly to find out what qualifies for school credit. I can also design any type of course completion certificate that you need, customized with whatever wording you need, to help you. 2)If my child isn't quite in the right age range for this class, can he/she still sign up? YES! The ages on my class listings are a general guideline, and also required by Outschool when I list a new class. If you have a younger (or older) learner who you think would be a good fit for a class, then they are welcome to join us in whatever class you think is best. For example, I offer classes for younger kids and for teens. Sometimes, parents want their 11 or 12-year-old in a teens class. Fine by me! You know your child better than I do. If they would be more comfortable in a class that isn't exactly written to match their age group, no problem at all. 3) Can I get a refund if I decide to withdraw my child? Outschool has many different refund policies, depending on the type of class you've signed up for, and the payment style you choose. Teachers on Outschool are also able to (sometimes) choose a general type of refund policy for their classes. Just because one teacher offers a very flexible refund policy, doesn't mean all will. I ask that you please take your purchase seriously when enrolling your child in my classes, and consider that asking for a refund directly impacts a small business of just one person. Please remember that you are not enrolling with a corporation or a big business. Most teachers on Outschool are self-employed, sole proprietors and depend on the income from our classes. Of course, extenuating circumstances come up. We're human and have crazy lives, after all! To read very specific details on my personal refund policy, please scroll down to the PARENTAL GUIDANCE section. 4) Do you offer any discounts? Yep! I offer seasonal discounts and coupons sometimes, and I always offer discounts for the following: -buy one, get one 50% off LIVE classes(upfront payments only, not weekly payments) -get $100 off any full curriculum/year-long LIVE course I offer (upfront payments only) ***Must message me personally and mention these discounts. Honestly, I like to see that people have taken the time to read my class description.*** 5) Can I get the vocabulary lists, homework, and any other printables in advance? Absolutely. Sometimes parents only have access to a printer briefly, and I get it. Just message me and I'll send you the materials in advance. Disclaimer: I may design new homework and activities as the course progresses. I am always making new resources for my students, so you may occasionally get something new to print out. 6) Do you offer 1-on-1 classes? I sure do! My class offerings are always shifting due to demand, but here are some of the 1-on-1 classes I offer: 🎓Private Spanish Tutoring: 1-On-1 Spanish Class for Homework Help (15 Mins) 🏫Private Spanish Tutoring: 1-On-1 Spanish for Kids (25 Mins) 🔔Private Spanish Tutoring: Learn Spanish 1-On-1 With Certified Teacher (45 Mins) You can also search for this class with my husband, a native Spanish teacher here on Outschool, SEÑOR ELIU: 📘Private Spanish Tutoring: Learn Spanish 1-On-1 With a Native Teacher (25 Mins) 7) I don't see a time on your schedule that works for me. Is there anything you can do? The times listed on my individual class listings aren't necessarily the only times I am open to teach. If you are interested in a specific class, but you don't see a time that works for you listed, please message me directly and I'll do my best to set something up for you. 8) I noticed you're not a native Spanish speaker. Can I be confident in the vocabulary and pronunciation that you teach? I respect that native Spanish speakers are the best. I've been teaching foreign language since 2014, and I strongly feel that native teachers are best when it comes to connotation of speech, grasp of the culture, and nuances of the language. However, I am very confident in my linguistic skills when it comes to Spanish (and English, haha!) Let me tell you why. 🏫I've been honing my craft for 20 years. I started my personal Spanish journey when I was 14. 🏠I've lived in Mexico for over 10 years. 🗣️The language we use every day at home is Spanish. 🤥I am sometimes able to deceive people into thinking I'm Mexican. 🎓I hold a Bachelor's in language education. If I don't know something, or there is a grammar point that slips my mind (it happens), I promise you I will LOOK IT UP before teaching it to your child. I am not too proud to tell a student that I would rather research a vocabulary work or grammar point to be absolutely sure about it before teaching them. If you would like to hear me speaking in Spanish so you feel reassured, please check out my profile video here on Outschool. If you're very convinced that you'd like to work with a native speaker, my husband (a native Spanish teacher) also offers Spanish classes on Outschool. You can find him by searing SEÑOR ELIU in the search bar. 8) I noticed you teach MEXICAN Spanish. Will my child have any trouble understand Spanish from other countries? 🚫Nope. Mexican Spanish is generally very neutral, and if I teach a regional phrase that is only really used in Mexico, I tell students that. The difference between Mexican Spanish and Spanish spoken in Spain, Puerto Rico, Colombia, etc comes down to colloquialisms and different accents. It's kind of like the difference in English between the USA, Australia, the UK or New Zealand. Maybe I'm biased, but I feel that the accent used in Mexico City (how I speak) is one of the most clearly, universally understood, similar to a neutral American accent when speaking English.
There are no prerequisites for this class. Anyone with Spanish homework can submit it for help.
Supply List
Students will need to have their Spanish homework ready to submit to me, so I can help them with it.
Language of Instruction
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
I am the source for this class. I created the vast majority of the content myself. I may also consult the Vistas 6th Edition textbook for some of the course information. Students do not need to purchase this textbook for class, as we will not use it directly. I simply consult it to ensure quality of information I will present.
Joined June, 2021
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree in Education from United States Institute of Language and Clerical Studies
I have taught foreign language online since 2014. 
I have spoken Spanish for nearly 20 years. 
I hold a Bachelor's degree in Language Education. 
I've lived in Mexico for 10 years.


Self-Paced Class


for all content

1 pre-recorded lesson
1 week of teacher support
Choose your start date
1 year of access to the content
Choose your start date
Ages: 8-18

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