Spanish 1 Full Curriculum: Beginner Mexican Spanish Middle & High School Sem 1
What's included
42 pre-recorded lessons
average 7 mins per video14 weeks
of teacher support5 hrs 8 mins
total video learning hours1 year access
to the contentAssignments
1-2 hours per week. I will assign grammar worksheets, reading comprehension assignments, and writing prompts each week. I'll also assign electronic activities, such as review games and electronic flash cards.Assessment
I will do a formal speaking assessment with students every 5th week or so. There will be a total of 3 of these in this course. I will give written, specific feedback on the students' Spanish speaking skills in these assessments.Letter Grade
1 after class completionClass Experience
US Grade 7 - 11
Beginner Level
Too busy for live classes? Spanish learning made easy with this self-paced Spanish 1 Full Curriculum Semester 1 Course! Over 14 weeks, kids learn Spanish, covering essential Mexican Spanish phrases, basic Spanish grammar, and interactive Spanish activities for kids. 🚫This is NOT just a video course! 👨🏫Learn Spanish the easy way through quality video lessons led by a certified teacher with 11 years of experience in teaching kids Spanish. Each lesson focuses on: 🔤vocabulary 🗣️pronunciation and 🏫the best way to learn Mexican Spanish. ⌛Study when it's convenient. No set lesson times! Throughout the course, you'll explore: 📽️ Video lessons focused on Mexican Spanish phrases and grammar. 📚 Reading comprehension exercises. ✍️ Writing assignments for all levels. 🗣️ Speaking practice via video or voice recordings. With 6 weeks of teacher support in the virtual classroom, students get real-time feedback on their work, plus messaging with the teacher for questions. This is the perfect Mexican Spanish class for kids who need flexibility. 🚫💻There are NO live meetings with the teacher. This is for BUSY, MOTIVATED STUDENTS. 💯Sometimes, the course includes quizzes to help reinforce key concepts and phrases. Scroll down to the CLASS SYLLABUS section to see exactly what topics we'll cover each week in this class that makes Spanish learning easy. This structure is based on the practice in the Vistas 6th Edition textbook (not affiliated with me, and not a requirement for this course.) ⚠️BONUS: at the end of this Mexican Spanish course, get the opportunity to continue learning with a discount on the next course! ************************************* 💻Get the LIVE 1-on-1 LESSON PACK that complements this self-paced course: A) Search PRIVATE SPANISH TUTORING 1-ON-1 CLASSES FOR A SEMESTER (1X WEEKLY, 25 MINS) here on Outschool or B) Copy this link: FAQS ************** FAQS 1) Can I/my child get official school credit for this course? That depends completely on your school or district. Outschool doesn't officially confer school credit for its courses, but you can reach out to your school district directly to find out what qualifies for school credit. I can also design any type of course completion certificate that you need, customized with whatever wording you need, to help you. 2)If my child isn't quite in the right age range for this class, can he/she still sign up? YES! The ages on my class listings are a general guideline, and also required by Outschool when I list a new class. If you have a younger (or older) learner who you think would be a good fit for a class, then they are welcome to join us in whatever class you think is best. For example, I offer classes for younger kids and for teens. Sometimes, parents want their 11 or 12-year-old in a teens class. Fine by me! You know your child better than I do. If they would be more comfortable in a class that isn't exactly written to match their age group, no problem at all. 3) Can I get a refund if I decide to withdraw my child? Outschool has many different refund policies, depending on the type of class you've signed up for, and the payment style you choose. Teachers on Outschool are also able to (sometimes) choose a general type of refund policy for their classes. Just because one teacher offers a very flexible refund policy, doesn't mean all will. I ask that you please take your purchase seriously when enrolling your child in my classes, and consider that asking for a refund directly impacts a small business of just one person. Please remember that you are not enrolling with a corporation or a big business. Most teachers on Outschool are self-employed, sole proprietors and depend on the income from our classes. Of course, extenuating circumstances come up. We're human and have crazy lives, after all! To read very specific details on my personal refund policy, please scroll down to the PARENTAL GUIDANCE section. 4) Do you offer any discounts? Yep! I offer seasonal discounts and coupons sometimes, and I always offer discounts for the following: -buy one, get one 50% off LIVE classes(upfront payments only, not weekly payments) -get $100 off any full curriculum/year-long LIVE course I offer (upfront payments only) ***Must message me personally and mention these discounts. Honestly, I like to see that people have taken the time to read my class description.*** 5) Can I get the vocabulary lists, homework, and any other printables in advance? Absolutely. Sometimes parents only have access to a printer briefly, and I get it. Just message me and I'll send you the materials in advance. Disclaimer: I may design new homework and activities as the course progresses. I am always making new resources for my students, so you may occasionally get something new to print out. 6) Do you offer 1-on-1 classes? I certainly do, when I have time in my schedule. Check my profile for availability, or check out full immersion Spanish classes with my husband, Senor Eliu. 7) I don't see a time on your schedule that works for me. Is there anything you can do? The times listed on my individual class listings aren't necessarily the only times I am open to teach. If you are interested in a specific class, but you don't see a time that works for you listed, please message me directly and I'll do my best to set something up for you. 8) I noticed you're not a native Spanish speaker. Can I be confident in the vocabulary and pronunciation that you teach? I respect that native Spanish speakers are the best. I've been teaching foreign language since 2014, and I strongly feel that native teachers are best when it comes to connotation of speech, grasp of the culture, and nuances of the language. However, I am very confident in my linguistic skills when it comes to Spanish (and English, haha!) Let me tell you why. I've been honing my craft for 20 years. I started my personal Spanish journey when I was 14. I've lived in Mexico for 11 years. The language we use every day at home is Spanish. I am sometimes able to deceive people into thinking I'm Mexican. I hold a Bachelor's in language education. If I don't know something, or there is a grammar point that slips my mind (it happens), I promise you I will LOOK IT UP before teaching it to your child. I am not too proud to tell a student that I would rather research a vocabulary work or grammar point to be absolutely sure about it before teaching them. If you would like to hear me speaking in Spanish so you feel reassured, please check out my profile video here on Outschool. You can also search my YouTube channel, under Señora Sarah. ********************************** ZOOM LINKS Please note that the teacher is not permitted to provide links to access Zoom. Classes on Outschool must be accessed via the Outschool website. ********************************** Please note that this is a beginners' Spanish class. This material is not designed for intermediate or advanced students. ********************************* Please see the PARENTAL GUIDANCE section below for information regarding refund policy, camera policy, student participation and behavioral expectations, instructions for NEARPOD, and more.
Learning Goals
Spanish Learning Made Easy: Basic Kids Mexican Spanish includes:
-routines, homes, families, pets
-appearance, personality
-foods, school supplies
-present tense ER, IR, AR verbs
-plurals & articles
-adjective/noun agreement
42 Lessons
over 14 WeeksLesson 1:
Introductions: Vocab Presentation
I will teach students vocabulary surrounding how to say hello, asking for and giving your name, and asking how someone is doing. We'll also learn about the verb ESTAR.
16 mins of video lessons
Lesson 2:
Introductions: Reading Comprehension
In this lesson, we will practice reading a short story or article based on the vocabulary we covered in our last class, and answering reading comprehension questions.
Lesson 3:
Introductions: Speaking and Writing Practice
In this lesson, students will practice speaking to the camera or on a voice recording, which they'll to post in the classroom so I can check it for them. I will model the vocabulary and sentence structures so students will know what to say. I will be monitoring and offering feedback to help them improve their speaking skills. I will also give a writing assignment for homework, and once submitted, I will grade it.
Lesson 4:
My Personality and Appearance: Vocab Presentation
I will teach students vocabulary surrounding describing their personality and basis physical appearance. We'll also learn how to use the verb SER.
29 mins of video lessons
Other Details
Parental Guidance
Please note that I use Nearpod for my lessons. Nearpod is a website that allows teachers to create slide presentations with interactive activities for students. A link will be provided via the Zoom chat box during the live class to access Nearpod. I will also provide the necessary 5 digit code to access the lesson. If students wish, I can also provide them with a link to access the lesson on their own time after class. STUDENTS DO NOT NEED A NEARPOD ACCOUNT TO ACCESS THIS FEATURE.
I may need to use canva to present the class material in the event that the NEARPOD website is down. This would be a rare event and only in an emergency. Please note that students do not need a Canva account for me to use this feature. Students will not need to log into Canva. In the event that I use canva to present the lesson, this will only be via screen share.
Occasionally my classes include a very brief YouTube video. This is only in a class or two, but it adds to the class experience when I choose to use it. YouTube videos that I use are very short, usually under 2 minutes long. Students do not need a YouTube account and they do not need to sign into YouTube for me to use this feature in class. I will simply share a video that is embedded into the near pod material that is sourced from YouTube. This will be used only on the screen share and students do not need to sign into YouTube to use this feature.
I may use Gimkit to send review games to students. Gimkit is a website that teachers use to create interactive review games. I will send a link to the specific game that the student can play, on their own time, in the Outschool virtual classroom. STUDENTS DO NOT NEED A GIMKIT ACCOUNT TO ACCESS THIS FEATURE.
I ocassionally use QUIZLET in my classes. This is a website that I use to create electronic flash cards for my students to review the vocabulary. If I use quizlet during a lesson, I will send a link in the virtual classroom on out school so that students can access the electronic flash cards. Students do not need a quizlet account in order to access this feature.
Please note that I cannot provide Zoom links for students to enter the session. Outschool does not allow this.
Children should be able to handle technological functions like accessing the Zoom chat box, turning on or off their microphone on Zoom, clicking a link to open the Nearpod website, navigating to the Nearpod website, and opening a new tab on their internet browser to see the Nearpod website. They should be able to click answers to questions on their screens. It would also be good for them to know how to navigate between Zoom and an external website, since they'll need to do this during class to participate in the Nearpod games.
Please note that I may not receive your messages if you are emailing or messaging me during a live class. For example, if you child is not able to enter Zoom due to a technical issue, and you message me during a live group class, I may not be able to check your messages or respond right away. My attention is naturally focused on the students in my classroom at that time, and I am not closely monitoring my email or messages. I try my best to check on messages is a student has not joined us, but I can't always check immediately.
Students need to be able to read to participate in this class.
Students are expected to actively communicate with me in the virtual classroom. That means they should be able to navigate to the virtual classroom, see my regular posts, and comment on them. They should also complete homework in a timely fashion and submit it to me in the virtual classroom. This might include:
-sending me a voice recording or video of themselves speaking Spanish
-sending me a photo of their completed worksheet or essay
-completing the multiple choice tests on Nearpod, and messaging me once done
*All student work, videos, or voice recordings will be kept private and only shared with themselves, me as the teacher, and their parents, (and of course the Outschool team). Any student work will never be made public.*
Each class type here on Outschool has different refund policies. Most (if not all) are refundable if you cancel within 24 hours of purchase. Some are also automatically refunded if you cancel up to 1 week before the class start time. There are many circumstances where a refund is up to the teacher's sole discretion. For example:
-student technical or Zoom trouble that prevented them from joining class
-last-minute requests for cancellation due to vacation or family outings
-emergency situations, like a run to the hospital or a death in the family
-a student gets sick and can't join us at the last minute
Refunds are generally given for:
-student illness
-death in the family
-other special circumstances, at the teacher's discretion
-family trips or vacations, if I am advised 1 week or more in advance (In this case you can cancel the class, and Outschool will automatically issue you a refund.)
Refunds are generally not given for:
-family vacation, if I am advised less than 1 week in advance
-student technical issues
-student internet problems
-students arriving late to class
-students missing class because they forgot
-students or families mixing up the time because of daylight savings or a time difference between their region and the class listing
Please note that these are my general policies, and each situation will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Abuse of the refund policy may result in refusal of refund that I would generally issue.
If I am at fault for class not taking place on time, I will offer to reschedule the lesson at no charge to the family. If the student is at fault due to technical issues, vacation, emergencies, etc, I may offer to reschedule the lesson on a case-by-case basis. I generally do not reschedule due to student internet problems, but I may do so if students rarely have this problem and do not abuse my refund policy.
There are no prerequisites for this class. This is a Spanish class for beginners.
Supply List
Students will need: -a working electronic device to access the Outschool website. It can be a computer, phone, or tablet. -a printer or electronic device that supports PDFs and the ability to markup ("write on") PDF files, to do writing assignments and homework activities -a camera OR voice recording device (like a phone) to record themselves speaking Spanish to complete speaking assessments and speaking assignments
Language of Instruction
External Resources
I am the source for this class. I created the vast majority of the content myself. I may also consult the Vistas 6th Edition textbook for some of the course information. Students do not need to purchase this textbook for class, as we will not use it directly. I simply consult it to ensure quality of information I will present.
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree in Education from United States Institute of Language and Clerical Studies
I have taught foreign language online since 2014.
I have spoken Spanish for nearly 20 years.
I hold a Bachelor's degree in Language Education.
I've lived in Mexico for 11 years.
Self-Paced Course
weekly42 pre-recorded lessons
14 weeks of teacher support
Choose your start date
1 year of access to the content
Completed by 8 learners
Choose your start date
Ages: 9-18