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Snippets of the Story of the US History

Chrissie D
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In this ONGOING class we will look at different elements of the History of the United States of America #academic

Class Experience

US Grade 7 - 10
  • Learners will learn about American History, and answer essay questions related to it.
I love history and learning about how people lived during different times. I like to do research into how people lived and trying things out for myself. I believe the best way to learn about something is to try and experience it first hand and through this class we will try to experience this as best we can. I have traveled extensively and interacted with many cultures firsthand, so I have a broad first hand experience and understanding of different cultures and their effect and perspective on the world. I teach history classes on Outschool in a variety of formats and subjects, including many that include sensitive topics.
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: Each week there will be an optional essay question related to the topic. Learners should submit a 100 word essay to the teacher answering the question.
This class covers a long period of history, in which there were several wars, and featured the mistreatment of various groups. These topics will be handled in an age appropriate manner. If parents have any questions or concerns please contact the teacher. If questions arise in class about these topics, they will be treated in a sensitive and inclusive way, while being accurate, and age appropriate. Learners will be encouraged to share their own opinions on the topics as well.
"American History Review Text" by Irving L Gordon
"The Story of America" by John Anthony Scott
Used all weeks as reference for teacher:
We will also use the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Federalist Papers, and Declaration of Independence, along with other sources from the time. (Used appropriate weeks)
Joined March, 2020
I am a former Home School student who has never stopped learning! I love history and telling stories verbally and through writing, and I want to share that passion with others. I believe the statement is true: “Those who don’t learn from History... 
Group Class


1x per week
15 min

Completed by 5 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 12-17
1-9 learners per class

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